Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Michael Buffer
My Name is Tony Catania and I'm a Professional Award Winning Producer and Songwriter..." SCATMAN JOHN / LIL WAYNE / ALLAN WALKER / BLACK EYED PEAS .....
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BAM is located in the heart of downtown Chicago Illinois and is committed to providing its clients with world class sound and service.
Jack offers his clients an environment that fosters creativity and premium sound, guaranteeing an exciting recording experience and the highest quality outcome.
M from Lucknow,India and in the field of music since more than 2 years.M a music producer and a Dj.I produce tracks regarding all genres of EDM,Epic Orchestral Music etc.
2x Grammy-Winning, Platinum & Gold Producer, Engineer & Your Hitmaker
I'm a multi-platinum producer of 7 years. I mix & master everything and also write lyrics.
Ghost producer for Youtube stars like Andrew Huang
Hola, ¿te resulta frustrante que tus mezclas tengan un sonido oscuro, apagado y poco pulido? Mi servicio garantiza tu satisfacción, proporcionándote la mejor mezcla y masterización para que tus proyectos destaquen a un nivel profesional en la industria musical. Además, impulso la evolución creativa llevando tu expresión musical a un nivel supe
How can I add value to you ...
Recent Successes
"I love the way my mix turned out. :) It has a more acoustic feel to it, which is fantastic! Mig tears it up.. i have really been enjoying working with him; seriously recommended. "
"Micah is a total boss and a pleasure to work with. He mastered one of my tracks, and the experience was overwhelmingly positive. He was quick to respond to any questions I had and respected my requests throughout the ..."
"Andres did a fantastic job again with my single. I found extremely useful and necessary his Mix Couching, he pointed me a few things about my mix and I remix using his advice in mind. How wrong I was with my first mi..."
"Once again, John provides me with bass tracks of the highest quality. He just knows what to play and exactly what the song needs. Thank you John!"
"What more can we say about this génies and si wonderful man who is so easy to work with. After 4 projects, it is always good to have Sefi for mix and mastering, Bantunani loves him so much.."
"This is my second time working with Serouj and he absolutely killed it! Again! Fast, friendly, and professional. I couldn't ask for a better partner on my project. "
"It’s fast and gives me a lot of options on the piano."