Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Meredith Newcomb
Nashville based musician with over 20 years of experience in recording, mixing, and live guitar. Let's make some magic together and turn your ideas into hits!
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I’m a composer, arranger, singer, instrumentalist and music producer. I mix and master music and create web pages. I have several own music projects – Fyra, Objet de Plaisir and Anthony McBazooka.
Keifer Johnson is a session trombonist based in Atlanta, GA. During his years of session work, he has recorded backing horns for punk rock band '68, performed live with Grammy Award winning artist Ne-Yo, and performed for President Barack Obama.
A professional, creative, and enthusiastic engineer that is always ready to take your music to the next level!
Music Producer
hmu if you are low ego and experimental. i raise prices slightly every mix so get em while theyre hot
Sounds, static, and noise complaints coming from a garage in Chicago.
I put my heart into each project in which I am part.
Recent Successes
"awesome artist, fast and very talented"
"Ashley wrote a beautiful song over my ambient R&B beat and I can't stop listening to it. Incredible performance, amazing harmonies, fantastic lyrics - all round greatness! "
"Great job!!!"
"very attentive and diligent in his work. Chris has a lot of knowledge on how to fit in instrumental keys to make your beats sound better as well. thanks chris!"
"Creative, easy to work with! Fast delivery too!"
"Dom was a pleasure to work with, not only because of his positive energy and production skills but also because he was able to understand the concept right away and keep up constant communication. The entire process ..."
"Great mix job from Oscar. My song was overly complex and I had lots of notes for him to work around, and he did a fantastic job despite all that. I highly recommend Oscar!"
"Brian killed it as per usual. He transformed my raw tracks which were plagued with issues into a polished sound. He really takes the time to thoroughly provide feedback and guidance that literally saved my vocals & th..."
"Amazing guitar, and fast jobb!"