Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Boleros With Attitude
I can take your Reggeaton or Hip-Hop song to the next level. Over 6 years Experience. Specialized in Latin Sound. Vamo a Darle!
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More providers:
Composer, sound designer and producer from Brazil. I have a degree in music technology, and composition with a focus on orchestration. 5 years of experience doing game audio, music and sound design, and producing my own compositions and works.
Mixing, mastering, drum editing, vocal editing/tuning, with over 15 years experience working in my own small studio in central Manchester I can deliver what you need, on time.
All the way from Buenos Aires to your recording studio, my main priority is to make it groove!
"Mohr Sound" is a studio that delivers modern high end sound for your productions.
100s of TV cues on the air, 30 million records sold as a songwriter, Guitar, bass, vocal and orchestral tracks and overdubs, TONS of credits and experience see: martinbriley.com
Versatile Music Producer, Composer, and Sound Designer with 15+ years of experience. Specializing in music production. I'm also a skilled singer, songwriter, and filmmaker. With BA in Music and Sonic Media and MA in Filmmaking, I bring a deep understanding of audio and visual artistry to your projects.
Uno de mis conceptos como compositor , es trasmitir emosiones y sentimientos a travez de cada nota musical , considero de vital importancia la comunicación para llevar a cabo el proyecto que se me asigne .
I'd love to help transform your project/s and grow together; I've been doing music for over 20 years and I have a Bachelor of Music in Contemporary Writing and Production. Over the years, I've done countless performances, recordings, compositions, transcriptions, mixes, arrangements, and more. I hope I can be a part of your musical journey! ♡
Recent Successes
"Kirsten always finds a way to amaze me with the great original music she makes. Her music writing and vocal performances capture all the right emotions for the lyrics I send her. This latest song is yet another exampl..."
"I feel very lucky to have worked with Sohta! He had been VERY patient with all the request of mine which is not easy... He is the engineer that artists can rely on and ask for better suggestions cuz he will care about..."
"I’ve been working with Mark for over a year now, his talents never cease to amaze me. He has a great ear for what a song needs. I don’t know why he’s not famous yet. "
"New track done with Austin! Awesome work as usual!"
"I contacted Riley to master my next single and I was amazed at how quickly he turned it around. Just a few hours after sending him the mix, he responded with two high-quality masters for me to choose from – each one h..."
"Gergo is PERFECT. He gave me beautiful tracks and also great advices that makes my song better and better ! Thank you Gergo !"
"Always great tracks from Simon. Highly recommended!!"
"Brandon was positively amazing to work with! He listened to all of my input, told me what inspiration to provide him to guide the melody creation and BOOM he created beautiful music to my lyrics. His melody is origina..."
"Best Mix Engineer on the platform for Hip Hop period! Finds ways to level up your track you'd never even think of. Perfect vocal timing, effects, autotune etc...100 Stars!"
"My friend came through once again😎👍"