Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Melanie Herrera
I'm a producer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist. I specialize in writing songs from the ground up. I pride myself on pulling the best out of the artist/band and making their vision come to life.
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My goal is to deliver the highest quality product to you efficiently and affordably. I've mixed records for buzz artists like Elohim, Hazel English, Holy Child, Ne-Hi, Ashe, Jaws Of Love (Local Natives side project) and many more. And I've produced songs for Moa, Fever Charm, Dead Poet Society, and Frankie.
No major songs produced (yet). Worked in collaboration with smaller artists, such as NotSoWavy and SWF K1nG.
I am a bilingual music producer, living in Paris. I work remotely or in my studio Paris, I produce music for artists, whether they are independent or sent by labels, I also write music and produce music for communication agencies. I produce in a lot of genres, mostly Pop, Pop-Rock, Urban Pop, Electronic Pop, Soul.. No Grammy, but platinum once 🎯
Fast and powerful mixes. From a classic approach to radical mixes.
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Dr. Hailey Walterman, D.M.A., M.M., is an educator, performer, and freelancer based in Los Angeles. Hailey has traveled extensively for high-profile events in New Orleans, New York, St. Barth’s, and Los Angeles, collaborating with artists, such as 2Cellos, Father John Misty at Austin City Limits, Il Divo, Michael BublĂ©, and Leah James.Â
Elevate your music to the next level with our professional mixing and mastering services. Rich Ball (@getrichard) will take your tracks and make them shine. We offer crystal-clear sound, balanced frequencies, and a polished final product that's ready for radio, streaming, or any platform you choose. Don't settle for mediocre sound – let u
Recent Successes
"Great reviews! Very in depth and insightful. "
"Fantastic producer, he took the song to the next level."
"Another incredible sounding master by Dave ! Open to every ridiculous request we threw his way ! So thrilled to work with him given his pace and precision, a true godsend. Cheers !"
"Another fantastic job done by Kyleen. She understands exactly what a song needs and exactly where to put the right touches. The delicacy and balance with which she plays shows the immense talent she possesses. I look..."
"It is always difficult to work from a distance but at all times he has been very attentive and aware of me and my project, he is a great producer and even though there are better singers on the platform, he has a very..."
"I hired Catalin for piano parts for my song. I was very impressed how quickly he responded with beautiful piano rendition that perfectly fit the style of my song. I will surely use Catalin again. Thanks Catalin"
"Kayrae is an outstanding singer and lyric writer. Honestly, I’m so glad I was able to work with Kayrae on my project! She delivered a professional vocal performance and lyrics for my song. I will definitely be contact..."
"Awesome clarity on mixing! He is definitely making my songs “Sound Better”"
"Best person on here , works fast and always able to wokrk with me on anything . "