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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mehki Key
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Looking to take your music to the next level?
I'm willing to take the time to get your music as far as YOU want to take it.10 years of experience, I can really give you insight on what's going on inside the sound of the industry.
Mixing and mastering engineer for house, pop & edm. Millions of streams on Spotify. 🔊🔥Unlimited free revisions. My tracks have been played by Chris Lake, Malaa, Fatboy Slim, Walker and Royce, VNSSA, Justin Martin and Claude Von Stroke. I've had numerous releases on Dirtybird records and have collaborated with many top industry artists.
Professional Listener
I spend most of my time top lining for recording artists. I would love to be a part of your project! Let's make some awesome music.
New in Soundbetter but i have more than 8 years of experience in mixing and Mastering artists from all around the world , mainly from USA. I had possibility to work and see biggest mix engineers (as Illangelo,Jaycen Joshua , Sonny Digital , Andrew Scheps ) working on tracks of TheWeeknds, DuaLipa, PostMalone, Travis Scott and other minor artists
Beat making
I'm mixing for Bands/ Ensembles in the field ranging from Indie-Rock all the way through experimental music. I'm have a jazz degree from the music university of cologne (germany) and am a freelancing musician for indie- / pop bands in addition to playing in my own more experimental ensembles.
Recent Successes
"Fabolous & Brilliant! I`m so lucky to have found her. 100% Professional and she gets my highest recommendations. Thank you."
"My songs would be nothing more than long poems with out someone ike Jason to bring them to life. Hes reliable, accessible, and easy to work with. I always get a polished finished product that i can share with friends ..."
"Really nice singer! Thanks for this job Alix! "
"Tremendous level of expertise. The lyrics and the melody of the song were completed in a few days and not long after that, song were recorded. Strong recommendation. "
"Once again Eric has delivered, it's not just his Mastering expertise, but his exceptional business communication skills and guidance that makes him stand out. Highly recommended to all "
"Greta work from Ziv. You won't go wrong if you have him play on your tracks. "