Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Medina Sod
I provide the right sounds, the right arrangements, and the right feels for just about any popular genre you need. I record high quality guitar and bass tracks in a multitude of genres, styles, and feels. I am specifically good at providing entire guitar and bass backing tracks for your songs, and bring a creative and educated ear.
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Truly personal approach to creating the best product
My last project went Aluminum, certified by the RIAA lol. I strive to be not only an ear for sonic quality but for personal artistry.
Works as a Composer for GORILLA WITH A PEN; VELVET GREEN MUSIC; MIBE MUSIC. Freelance Composer for numerous projects. Composer www.brunoduprat.com bd@brunoduprat.com
I specialize in finger-style acoustic guitar having crossed a million streams for my acoustic instrumentals. You can refer my work on all major streaming platforms. My work has been featured in the following editorial playlists on Spotify- Calming acoustic, Sweater weather instrumentals, Fireside Acoustic, Cozy Acoustic Morning, mañana tranquila.
My name is Lee and every day I explore music in all directions. I love creating, and most of all I have a huge passion for collaborative efforts. I have worked with many different artists locally and would love the chance to explore music with you!
#1 album on rock charts
I Will Professionally Mix or MASTER your audio track to the highest industry standard - With more than 20 years of experience, I have worked with Universal Music Group Turkey and European studios for bigger projects. please provide good quality original content.
Introducing J.Lee The Producer – Your Source for Unparalleled Musical Expertise!
Recent Successes
"Theo is great at what he does.This was my first time working with him and he made my sound much better. I received my music back on time and definitely would work with him again."
"must say that mickey is super talented with an insnane voice! and on top of that, she is super proffesional as well!"
"Great job man! Happy to work with you. A man you can trust "
"Working with Benai is always a great experience. He definitely has talent to write lyrics and melodies and knows what would work with your music."
"Dustin is an incredible singer/musician who went above and beyond to get the vocals on my track right. Great communicator, musicality, open to input, and offers great ideas. Highly recommend Dustin!!"
"Starless has one of the most interesting vocal timbre ever listened and she's a pro songwriter too! "
"Working with Patrick on the Spotify Canvas was an excellent decision! He understood fast what I needed and delivered a fantastic and professional animated Spotify Canvas."
"Awesome production, clean mix, and nice master. It’s always great working with Awakend, and I will continue to send tracks his way. "
"Took our project and sound to another level as always! Highly recommended as we've worked with Sam on numerous occasions now, remains our first port of call when needing an epic track produced!"