Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mc Juninho FSF
We are a company focused on services for Music Industry.
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Want your music standing out from other artists? I'm your guy. Travelling and professional DJ by night and Producer, Mixing & Mastering Engineer by day. Being an EDM & Hip-Hop Producer for over 10 years, I am confident I will take your tracks to the next level.
I play drums since 2010 and it's been over 5 years since I started to record drums. I learnt a lot and I'm ready to show you how I can add my touch to any of your projects.
Producer, Mixing and Mastering Engineer
A successful, female pop vocalist with 500.000 streams on Spotify only! My song Body Rock went viral after being played on Senior Year (NETFLIX)! I write in 3 languages (ENG, ITA, SPA)! I identify as a modern poet, an intuitive song-writer and a fierce performer. Vocal range is wide with a strong falsetto.
MOONZz is a dynamic musical/visual artist based in Los Angeles. Described as "a sultry mix between classical stylings and pop" (NEST HQ), MOONZz thrives balancing the past and present. She's garnered over 50M+ streams on Spotify.
Let's take your idea to the next level. Commitment and creativity are the Key facts to deliver the best quality in music. If you look for a Composer, Mastering & Mixing Engieneer, Producer or a Session sax player you came to the right option for you. I have worked with independent artists and directors for the last years.
Best of all I specialize in vocal mixing and correction. I'm well versed in how music should sound and I understand exactly what your song needs.
Guitars and Composer
Recent Successes
"Jack is awesome, his work is clean and huge. A lot of fun to work with, I’ve already recommended him to several other artist. Awesome turn around time and great results. Fun to work with too!"
"Shaley said she could sound like the references I gave her and she didn't let me down. She promised delivery on a certain date and came in eight days early at my request (so I could demonstrate the song at a workshop)..."
"Buck Snow - what can you say about brilliance? Seriously! Buck communicates with you and follows your specificity on what you want without fighting your decisions, but will chime-in when needed if he thinks it will ma..."
"His initial ideas are unique and dope! Check out his work!!"
"Rainer is my first choice, when I need drum tracks. His playing is always supportive for the song and he's got the feeling for any style. Beyond that he's a very inspiring and interesting musical personality. Highly..."
"Working with Husks has been great, so far we have made one song together and I’ve been ecstatic with the results. His style of mixing hip-hop and cinematic score music is what sets him apart from other producers. He p..."
"vbnd's playing style was so perfect for the song I was producing. I couldn't recommend them enough, especially if you are doing anything r&b adjacent. Easy going communication, and insane playing (in the best way)"
"Amazing as always !"