Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with May Inoue
I'm passionate about bringing your music to life and creating great work.
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Looking forward to inspiring projects and jobs.
I'm a dreamer and music helps me to be the one I want. I'll do all I can for you to feel the same with your music ! Composing, arranging, mixing, all at real affordable prices.
If you're looking for real music, look no further. Musician, producer, mix engineer, and writer. Gospel, hip hop, pop, R&B, Contemporary, CCM, etc. If you love music like I do let make magic happen!
I can convert what you had in your mind to what you can listen in your ears.
songwriter, electronica, pop
Offering budget conscious production, vocal production, composition and mixing for those looking for a step up in quality! Assistant to Warner Chapel producer Joe Kearns (Ellie Goulding, Little Mix) and assistant to mix engineer and British Grove manager Jason Elliott. In House producer for Grace Grundy (200m Spotify plays and 130K Youtube subs).
I'm here to give you the sound your production needs! Specialized in editing, mixing and mastering heavier styles of music. But as a huge lover of all sorts of music, don't hesitate to contact me for other style like pop, electro, blues, jazz etc. I am sure to make it worth your while :)
If you need to do - i will help you !
Recent Successes
"Great producer! he managed to make a "nice sounding demo" sound so much better. the quality level of his production is superb. I can not wait to work with him again."
"Andy's a star and does great work! He's also very responsive and provides great customer service! I'll definitely be working with him more in the near future. BH"
"Manny is top-tier. One of the best mixing engineers I've worked with by far, Manny combines skill, technical execution, and good taste to help achieve a cohesive and enjoyable mix. He was professional, patient, quick,..."
"Paul was great to work with, loved his attitude during the whole process! Really glad I got to have him as a gitarrist, love this guy!"
"Alex is super easy to work with and has a quick delivery. "
"StringFeverStudio was super easy to work with and got things done quicker than asked for and at a very high quality! Would work with them again and recommend them to others!"
"I ve picked Bram , because I ve heard some amazing work of him before.... But this was really an absolute surprise to me, how easy and quick he turned my track into a dope smasher !!! I will be back again for the nex..."
"Jay delivered once again outstanding guitar parts including a solo for our track. He always adapts his playing to the mood of the song."
"Together with Josh I already produced an entire synth-pop album of mine and I am glad we continue working together. This time we rearranged an acoustic track to become a full band synth-pop power song. Josh really kno..."