Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Maurane Voyer
I've worked with many national and international successful artists as well as countless local and independent talent, in a variety of genres.
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Hi! My name is Sam and thanks for checking out my profile! I've been a professional Bassist and Vocalist for the last 10 years working with a variety of artists and am now excited to bring my experience and skills to the world of Soundbetter Please check out my showreels and social media to see what I do and I hope to work with you soon!
Alexander Wakim has had releases on world renowned labels such as Bred n’ Butter (Trap City), Bourne Records and Elysian records generating tracks with millions of views on YouTube / SoundCloud / Spotify. He has been featured on 3FM (Dutch National TV/Radio), warmed up for mega-acts such as Frontliner and headlined many live shows.
A self-taught & creative producer, eager in delivering HQ mixes and masters. Specialized in everything House but I embrace all genres and sounds.
I'll give you what you want when you want it how you want it ... or I'll at least be damned if I don't try my hardest
Reggaeton, Trap, Dancehall..Producer
I will compose a full song in any style, genre and like your favorite artists.
Need your sweet rock/alternative/folk songs mixed nicely? I will give you a balanced, organic-yet-energized mix in a very quick turnaround time and one free mix revision! I am also a proficient audio editor, including vocal tuning and drum gridding.
Music Producer, composer and arranger. Sound Designer and Sound engineer. Pianist and Keyboard player.
Recent Successes
"Daaaaamn i got to say it the best work we’ve seen since we started on soundbetter, There’s variations, differents vibes it’s fresh well written there sence it’s not just sentence by sentence writing! Bravo! "
"Unbelievable what patience and perseverance Gary has when creating music. He is very responsive to changes and conjures up wonderful music from another star. Thank you for this incredible masterpiece!"
"I had the pleasure to work with Jeroen on my first song. Great communication and I'm happy with the results. Hope to work together in the near future! "
"Excelente trabajo con Andres. Comunicación pronta y calidad en todo momento"
"He’s done it again ! Super fast turn around time & our work flow is getting more efficient too. Super stoked with the way this one turned out & working with Sam is like working with a friend who I’ve known my whole li..."
"I’ve had the pleasure to work with Ivy Marie on a number of projects. Each time she intuitively nails it. Highly recommend you collaborate with her! Thanks Ivy Marie!"
"Ger composes with heart and mind both, expanding listeners' emotional and intellectual vocabulary accessibly within his craft. So it is always an honor to work with him. And I am looking forward to working with him ag..."
"Incredible performance and writing, as always! Kyleen adds so much life to every single song I've thrown her way - truly a gifted player. Thank you for all of your hard work! "