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Maui Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I am a producer, mix engineer, songwriter, and guitar player in SW FL.
I am a recording and mixing engineer with over 20 years of professional experience. I have had the privilege to work with many incredible artists and producers, and look forward to meeting and working with many more!
Hi, I am Luis CH a full time professional Audio Engineer and Sound Designer, graduated from The Art Institute of California with over 7 years of experience! Mix & Master, Music Production, Sound for Film, Game Audio.
I've been in Anglican Choral singing since the age of 7 on and have been singing since the age of 5. the majority of my work has been done at scholarship level but I have had some limited access to a performing career. I have sung some professional opera an oratorio on a limited basis in Germany. I also HfM Cologne and GSMD London for some time
My name is Chris and I'm the mastering engineer at Decoder Mastering and specialised in dance music. My goal is to make your track ready for release with customer satisfaction as the first priority. I can do a mix review first and offer two revisions for each track. I'm confident that we're going to book great results.
"Travie Austin is at this moment one of the most exciting indie artists around" - QReview
Autore di testi di canzoni classiche leggere e anche impegnate. Canzoni d'amore e di vita vissuta
Jose María Parellada Ripoll
Recent Successes
"like always..perfect master !!"
"Darren, one of the most talented artists that I've ever worked with, did an incredible job on guitar and vocals. He had freedom to cover the song as he saw fit, and his fit was natural and so easy on the ear. Anothe..."
"Fast, Responsive, Flexible! This is my third time working with Jonas. Outstanding work ethic. I have enjoyed this relationship! Thank you again."
"Nate was awesome to work with! He communicates really well with his clients to make sure his performances are true to their vision. And his playing is fantastic!"
"Cody K. Originally, me and my team were thinking of using a male for a rap in the bridge of my country song. But something just told me try a different approach. Use a female to get her perspective on the words and t..."
"Alberto has done an amazing job for me. He's an absolute professional. I have enjoyed working with him. I am looking forward to continue working with him in the future. Thanks Alberto."