Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Maui Esc
I'm a professional mixing engineer who creates immersive experiences for listeners. I specialize in mixing for genres like pop, rock, urban, and reggaeton. I have over 10 years of experience and offer affordable mixing and mastering services with a great attention to detail. Let's create music that moves and connects with your audience.
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Welcome friends of music! Millie here, with all your song-writing needs and collaborations. I hope to work with you and hear your feedback to help the future of music to continue to be a pillar of light in the lives of others.
Having been a part of the NYC Music Scene for over a decade, I've been on both sides of the glass. I've put out albums both as a musician and a record producer, and now I primarily focus on realizing the creative vision of other artists. It's my goal to make the production process as seamless as possible.
Interview In NYC Currently Working With Curators At Power 105.1
Hi! I'm a music producer with 10 years experience & I've a lot of beats to develop.
Thessa Carina specializes in modern genres like: HipHop, R&B, Pop and Cinematic Music.
I make simple to complicated rap beats ranging from different styles. Simply name an artist or explain to me what type of sound you want and ill happily do it for you.
Hi! I`m 23 y.o producer from Ukraine. Looking for some extra money to support my country in this horrible times for all ukrainians and practice more and more to become a better person. Involved in to a music at age 5 at first as a drum player that envolver through all my entire life to a composer / producer / artist / voice over dub / songwriter /
Emotion-driven visionary producer. Let's craft your music masterpiece together. With meticulous care and open communication, we'll shape sounds that resonate and captivate. Join me in bringing your vision to life.
Recent Successes
"Professionalism, excellent comunication, and beautiful voice. Alina with her vocal performance made my song fantastic."
"What can i say about Alex, Just awesome!!! Stellar vocals again and again, song after song!!! You can connect with Alex and have that synergy present which means he will deliver the song as you imagined it! This is m..."
"Reggie is super easy to work with and a killer hard rock bassist, he also got his buddy involved to track drums on a track for me and I'm blown away by the greatness that these guys are bringing, they nailed it! Sound..."
"Definitely a most work with, great and talented artist. For us, we had long discussed about how we wanted the song to be, and bam, it just came out of nowhere! Highly recommend!"
"Doug is the best! He is very communicative and he listens. He elevated my track and I love the spice he added. I'm super appreciative of his work and would highly recommend him to anyone."
"Thanks to Jones for his remarkable, efficient and very professional work. I highly recommend him."