Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Matt Morris
Jeff Jacobs Producer, Songwriter, Mixer, ,LOU GRAMM BILLY JOEL, JULIAN LENNON, FOREIGNER, TWISTA, SUGAR BLUE, HEATHER HEADLEY, PhilRamone DanKorchmar LauraBrannigan,etc.Very Few producers can match my skill and experience, AP-guit, bass, drums, vo
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I am beginner in this industry and well, just want to get some experience and raise up some additional money while studying in university, so i would work just for a symbolic price) Completed "mixing&mastering with protools" course online in Berklee College of Music
Former X Factor Season 3 Contestant, Former Broadway kid, Current Singer/Actor
I Will Compose And Produce Perfect Music To Match Your Film Or Game
I've been working on tracks in Nashville for 5+ years. As an artist and producer, I understand the importance of how perfect the track AND vocals have to sound. Let's get your records on New Music Friday!
I have recorded and written for Jack Antonoff, Taylor Swift, Phosphorescent. Violin, guitar, sax, vocals, and a home studio.
Acoustic/Pop Cover Songs and Creative Mashups are my specialty. You've seen me with collaborators such as Kurt Hugo Schnieder, Anthem Lights, and Levi Mitchell.
I'm a classically trained singer with a pop, rock & country edge. I'm can provide vocals for your track, or take your basic lyric or melodic idea into a well-crafted song.
Youtube- - - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcbE2xvZ9IabBFOIegVovsg Instagram- - -https://www.instagram.com/djotaandy/
Recent Successes
"Great to work with! Worked really fast, provided lots of updates and delivered a terrific mix. Highly recommended!"
"hire him soon before he's too famous for your budget...that's all i gotta say ;)"
"Tyree is dope to work with & mixed my song the exact way I wanted without a problem. I was having trouble finding someone that could create the sound that I needed and he was there to help! He stayed true to his timel..."
"Always 5 Star quality work. "
"I don't know what to say anymore. Mark puts so much love and profession into these songs, simply the best. Better than all the rest. Frikin love you, brother!"
"I've had Kyle on three tracks now and I can honestly say he's TOP-SHELF. Pocket - perfect. Sound - superb. One of things that's brought me back to Kyle is that I can tell he's a real arranger when it comes to his craf..."
"Michael has a really nice voice and sings with a lot of emotions. Also really professional and pleasant to work with."
"Randall continues to deliver top quality work for an ongoing project. Real skill and passion in this lastest piece, which features powerful layered vocals. First rate!"
"Fast, efficient, talented. Leo was a pleasure to work with. Will definitely collaborate again. He creates beautiful chords and melodies."
"I love his work. He is very committed and communicative. His work is fantastic, and working with him again, I am very excited about what we are creating."
"This was my second full production project with Taylor. And I am very happy with the results! He is excellent in what he does. I love the sounds that he creates. Just what I was looking for for my Christmas songs. Cer..."