Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Masters of Harmony
Multi-award winning vocalist, songwriter, and certified music producer / audio engineer in Hollywood, California. Millions of streams on Spotify & YouTube. With over 25 years of experience & training, I bring heart & soul to every project I work on. Walk-in iso sound booth at professional studio used for all recordings and projects. ✨
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Hi! I'm Joel Evenden, I'm here offering my remote services for mixing, mastering and music production.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sascha_Panknin https://www.discogs.com/artist/447001-Sascha-Panknin
It's about them vibes! Low rates opens the gates. Let's journey to the dream as a team! It's better to be living the dream than to dream.
Great soulful vocalists and songwriter.
I prefer melodic genres, like to add unexpected effects, go beyond the standard
¿Quieres hacer un pedido de jamón Ibérico y no sabes cómo hacer? Revisa la guía de compra fácil que tienes en este lugar. Tienes a un par de clicks y unos pocos minutos el poder disfrutar del sabor de los más destacados jamones que vas a poder encontrar. Si necesitas asesoramiento personalizado
A highly collaborative and seasoned audio engineer with a diploma in Audio Engineering & Music Production. I specialize in recording audio, music production, post-audio production, and mixing & mastering.
Recent Successes
"My go to engineer for any project now. He is fast. Great at communication. Delivers with excellent time!. My engineering soulmate ;)"
"Exceptional vocalist and a great guy to work with!"
"Great working with Leandro, all very straightforward and easy. Great quality piano and strings tracks - thank you!"
"Matt is a pro as always! I'm super particular about vocal mixes and the vibe in general and he's always gives patient vibes and takes the time to make sure the end result is something we're both satisfied with. All th..."
"super professional and has a fast delivery. "
"Great experience. Took direction well, track was delivered in a timely manner. Would recommend."
"look no further"
"Jake delivered the exact results we were after while maintaining a professional but relaxed working environment. The vocals sounded very polished and hi fi, and we were able to get some great takes from the singer bec..."
"Another awesome mix and master! highly recommend Matt's services. "