Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mascha Juno
I love mixing and producing, to create sonic worlds and journeys. And I like to fuck things up in a positive way. I'm a composer/songwriting, that also happens to be mixing and producing German indie artists like Sandra Hüller, Kliffs, Vögel die Erde essen, Daniel Freitag and Mascha Juno.
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Electronic dance music producer, label owner.
Guitarist Music Producer Arragment Composer
I write music and lyrics Spotify link https://open.spotify.com/artist/7rCxixNTMY9eBeSLiLhRSF?si=Wzawt5Z0Sq6H-d0Ey5dL9Q
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Bring in the Funk!
assionate Mix and Mastering Engineer from Germany, near Münster. At 27, I bring over a decade of music experience and have been working professionally for 5 years. My goal with every track I mix is to elevate its quality to the next level. Music and sound are my true passions, and I'm dedicated to helping artists achieve their creative vision with
Recent Successes
"I've required consulting services from Chad as I wanted to have a professional review on one of my latest songs. Chad has rewied the song and generated a very detailed report in written form. Thnx Chad for your feedb..."
" Benny is a high quality producer with a ear for perfection. Result 10/10, customer service 10/10!! I will definitely use him again"
"Yoad is great to work with and a master of his craft! His experience and skillset helped deliver top notch masters! This is the 2nd time we have worked together and I will definitely be coming back for more! If you ne..."
"More great percussion tracks by Facundo. His wonderful playing adds dimension to the compositions. So glad I found him!"
"Joël is very professional. Great communication and the mastering of my track is just amazing."
"She is outstanding!!! I’ve had my share of engineers but she is “THE MIX ARTIST”. If you know how hard it is to get comfortable with engineers too she makes you feel at home. Her ear is amazing I’d recommend her to an..."
"Alex is my defacto pro tool guy ! His edits are flawless and so smooth. Communication is super easy and he is very patient, and so efficient, am always impressed how fast he can be. Absolutely recommend him !"
"I am usually skeptical about five star reviews, but my brother Brett deserve them. In such as short time knowing him, Brett is compassionate and is interested in helping you as a producer/writer to be better. As a son..."