Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mary Strand
Creative and catchy bass lines tailored to your song, with quick turnaround.
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I got my first internship as an audio engineer for Ricci Riera, a grammy award winning producer of the duo THC, I’ve also mixed and produced for goldlink a big artist from the DMV. I graduated with a bachelors from the Hollywood arts institute.
Do you need a hit beat? Do you want to get noticed? I have been working in FL studio for 14 years. Inspire your fans with a fully customized and unique sound. With me, You will always have a beat that keeps heads bobbing and heads turning. You will have my undivided attention and experience. Work with me and you will have your next big hit.
Helping Artists & Composers create and produce Great Sounding Music. That's what it's all about! Love working with passionate musicians, with the focus on you and your music, so you're excited with the end result ready to let the world hear!
I use Buchla and other boutique analog gear to make beats and soundscapes. I use a 100% analog signal path before I record the final output to my Apogee audio interface. Buchla, Tape Delay, Spring Reverb, Tubes, 15 IPS Reel to Reel. Get the classic sound of early electronic and tape music, whether you need an all analog soundscape or organic beat.
Our in-house producer, Steve Kroeger has had 7 singles on the Billboard US Dance and Canadian Pop charts. He can write and produce singles from start to finish or do any of the individual song parts you need.
Funk, Jazz, Rock, Neo Soul, Latin, Fusion, Blues, you name it. I have been playing guitar professionally for 15 years as a live and studio session musician. I have over 20 years of training in multiple genres, and bring years of knowledge and experience to the table. I am confident I have the skills and talent needed to bring your vision to life.
Hey: Lyrics, Lyrics, Lyrics ( And scripts, stories if you want more!}
Check the audio sample to listen to the demos vs final products to know exactly what to expect from my job.
Recent Successes
"Pino is a mixing Wizard. 3rd collaboration in 6 weeks and this one took him less than 48 hours! Sound quality is amazing and he has thrown in A LOT of goodies in the final package! 100 USD is an absolute steal. As one..."
"I was only looking for a few pedal steel parts initially, but I’ve ended up using Patrick on all of the tracks I’m producing for a folk singer On this job he recorded pedal steel - his playing really is incredible,..."
"Michael always delivers just what we ask for, we are glad to be able to work with such great musicians as Michael. "
"Lovely voice, excellent performance, and fast turn around. Couldn't ask for more!"
"Truth did an outstanding job on my song. Great writing and and great performance. A high quality experience overall."
"Matt is a 5 star audio engineer and I highly recommend his services! Also just a friendly nice guy who is really reasonable with revisions. He did great with this hyperpop track. I highly recommend Matt!!!"
"Three words : above and beyond Brian really knows how to dig deep into the root of a song and nurture it over time to bring out the fruit on the vine. He's got the touch of a seasoned pro; yet the heart of a kid who'..."