Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Martín Paz
He trabajado para artistas de re nombre nacional, como por ejemplo: Jorge Rojas. He firmado canciones para Sony Atv Publishment Argentina. He grabado con artistas de renombre internacional, como por ejemplo: Tania Libertad. He ganado el "Certamen desde el Sur" de mi ciudad en el año 2013.
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Quer realmente Produzir algo especial? fale comigo. Vamos juntos fazer sua música e realizar seu sonho! Music Productions Mixing and mastering Dolby Atmos Soundtracks.
Harmony blending is my unique skill and passion and professionalism is my personality. Your project is important to you and I focus my passion into making sure the parts of your project I help with exceeds all expectations while also delivering the highest levels of communication, timeliness, and delivery.
Let’s make your song sound HUGE!
I specialize in extreme metal vocals, such as death metal, black metal and folk metal. I do screams, growls and shouts but also viking chants and throat song
I bring clean mixes and extreme attention for detail to your songs. I care not only about the quality of the final mix and master but how it makes the listener feel.
Looking for something a bit different? I will help produce, mix or master your song with an emphasis on alternative genres and creativity. I can also play bass guitar or analogue synths for that extra bit of warmth.
I can help with recording, comping, tuning & editing vocals & can arrange backing vocals & harmonies (or just in general adding too many harmonies to your songs ;)
Recent Successes
"Good work and fast turn around!"
"5/5. He went out of his way to help make my track be the best it could be and was patient with my lay working knowledge base of the process. The tracks themselves sound rich and exactly how I meant for them to sound a..."
"SauceGodDre is a super dope engineer, he stands behind the mix and made sure he did whatever it took to get it to my liking I love his work, he is creative also which is key in mixing."
"Fast, professional and a great writer. Very talented rapper. Will use again for sure."
"I hired Cc to freestyle some vocal melodies over a beat of mine and it was great , she is a very talented vocalist with some great vibes. Easy to communicate and work with :)"
"Every time I get tracks back from Kyle, I tell myself "this is why I work with this guy." He's an incredible drummer and a super nice guy. Can't say enough great things. I've been back time and time again "
"Another great session from Joe, nails it every time!"
"I'm new to the industry. Tyree made me super comfortable & I know I'm low key a nervous wreck. He was professional & fast. His talent speaks for its self. He made my song show professionalism. He made it have life, It..."