Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Martin Occo
Get the professional result that you want. Our suite of Sound Engineering services are open to the public and specialize in Tech House, House, and Techno. Our experienced engineers will lend a fresh set of ears to take your music to the next level.
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Hi my name is Cornelius "Slick" Barnes I am a 3x's Nominated singer/songwriter/producer I have written songs for India.arie, Anthony David, Sleepy Brown, Robert Randolph, Llyod, Leela James, Truth Hurts, T.I., and a host of others. I have over 15yrs of professional music industry experience
I've been recording and mixing since about 1995. My inspirations are guys like Eddie Kramer, Geoff Emerick, Alan Parsons, Bob Ezrin, Tchad Blake and Jack Joseph Puig. I like to blend more traditional ideas with more contemporary ones. I've been a musician for nearly 40 years, my primary instrument is guitar/bass.
With a degree in music, and producing multiple artists for Universal Records, I focus on remixing artist's tracks and providing artists with guitar recordings for their singles.
Composer for TV/film, classical arranger, session vocalist and frontman/multi-instrumentalist behind the band 'Midgar'. Worked with brands like Coca Cola, McDonald's, Wells Fargo, Verizon, own and run a self-built recording studio in SW France where I self-produced full length album 'Unity' for Midgar, released on Year of the Rat Records in 2021.
Speaker Damage Productions has produced for artists in a variety of genres, as well as for TV & film, and has extensive experience performing with touring bands. If you’re looking for a producer or musician who understands the intricacies of your music and can bring it to life, Speaker Damage Productions can do it.
I have been recording, mixing, mastering, drum programming and a serious musician for almost 40 years in many genres from rock to Hip Hop, metal, traditional country, blues, house and many other styles.
Catchy vocals & lyrics. Contact me for covers as well! I sang and produced for big record labels (Warner Benelux, Soave, Paraiso, We Are Diamond, Diepgraven, Atlast, Mr Revillz, and many more) resulting in over 40M+ streams on Spotify and entering the top 40 most streamed artists based in my country (Belgium).
known professionally as D.F.O.X ,is an Tunisian beatmaker . D.F.O.X03
Recent Successes
"This was a really fun song to make. Riley made sure the guitar, bass, vocals, and quirky drums were in sync for this oddball song. It keeps changing keys which is an obstacle for any producer but he knew just what to ..."
"I have finished another Project with Justin who did a great job i must say.....he has a wonderful flow with words and is able to get the best result with your lyrics /melody.I believe he is actually growing as a singe..."
"Roy is incredibly talented, as well as the ultimate professional. I won't use anyone else from here on out. My sessions were a bit disorganized, and even missing some audio files; he detected where those parts were mi..."
"Second review on Travis. Second 6 stars out of 5. After finishing a mix for me, he let me buy some time to give me a masterclass on some tips that I've always wanted to know about. Great guy, great knowledge, even mor..."
"Truthfully, I feel blessed to have worked with Enea. Besides being an absolute gem of a human, he CARES about the project as well. His piano execution was flawless. He even added bonus material that became monumental ..."
"It was our second collaboration and I have to say that I really like the way Esli works: he creates small pieces of melody, with different options, and we build up from there. The outcame is very good. In addition Esl..."
"Dennis came through for me once again. Super happy to work with him again."
"No doubt always getting the sound I'm going for "
"Fast turnaround, easy communication and the end result I wanted. I absolutely recommend Nico :)"