Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with marley mar
I’m a 21 year old audio engineer/ musician I’ve been mixing and mastering since I was 12 years old protools is my playground
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UK based producer and song writer Tracks I've produced have been played and featured on BBC Introducing and Capitial FM's VodaFone Big Top 40 Future Breakers
Produtor Musical
Music is the meaning of such many elements y life, therefore there should be someone capable of finding those elements, and turn them into a piece of music. That’s me, a music mogul, perfection enthusiast & creator of feelings that translate into music. Afterwards the production phase, mixing and mastering sessions complete an stream ready product
Catchy songs Moving heartfelt melodies with or without lyrics. I deliver what you need rapidly and on spot. Years n years of experience.
Punch & Vibe
Hi, I’m an independent musician from Australia! I’ve been doing music for 2 years and started singing in April 2018. I’m very versatile and able to help in most genres, for a cheap price! I can also help you write your song and will provide the vocals necessary! I work best when a melody is already provided.
I can make a professional , ready to release song for you in couple of days.
Need your song to sound crisp, punchy and professional ? I got you!
Recent Successes
"Just did song number 9 with Diego and it was exactly what I asked for with Diego's unique style added. Looking forward to starting my tenth song with Diego!"
"As always Elliot has done an incredible job. If you're serious about getting your music as polished as possible then seriously consider Elliot!"
"Cristian was very helpful in providing creative piano and bass salsa lines. "
"Gabriele provided excellent guitar tracks quickly and he was very accommodating of my request to sign an agreement related to the ownership of the production to protect the songwriter. Thanks for the great work!"
"Great work"
"Absolutely fantastic! Raised my music to a new higher level. Recommended."
"Working with Isamu was fabulous from start to finish! Super responsive, his first takes were killer in quality and performance, they barely needed edits, and he seems like a kind person to boot. I'd definitely work wi..."