Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mark Drummond
I specialize in dark and gritty instrumental music, whether it be evil ambient soundscapes or orchestral/synthetic music with an edge. I’ve composed and produced more than 15 albums and soundtracks for fictional worlds of horror, sci-fi, and fantasy.
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"Making your vision come to life, while giving you a mix that sounds great in today's market."
I make guitar, slide guitar, pedal steel, lap steel, dobro, and mandolin noises! I specialize in indie rock and Americana. In addition to guitars and slide instruments, I love to create loops to bring ambient and soundscape elements into roots based music. Do you want to take your material to a more etherial and esoteric place? I'm your guy!
Delivering a product that exceeds my client's expectations is always a key focus of mine when I take on new projects. You can rest assured that your project will be completed on time and with no hassle. As always, pricing is flexible!
Performed with R&B artists Ashanti, Mya, and Robin Thicke, rock legends Journey, and international jazz artists Karen Briggs, Nnenna Freelon, Cindy Bradley, and Jessy J. Eli has travelled and performed all over the world in styles ranging through pop and R&B, Afro-cuban and Brazilian styles, jazz and swing, and go-go and funk.
For some reason they call me "Da Pen God"
I don't have many credits yet, but I'm looking to expand that!
Infusing my professional mixing expertise with a genuine love for detail, I delicately shape guitartones to achieve a nuanced and refined sound.
Wingbeats Recording Studio is a certified Atmos mixing facility, with a proven track record of delivering Atmos and immersive masters to major labels including Warner Records, Decca, and Universal Music Group. Our achievements include pioneering Atmos mixes for Stile Antico’s Grammy-winning album, “Josquin" and Jacob Collier's "Djesse Vol.4."
Recent Successes
"Great voice, easy to communicate with and fast turnaround! I got exactly what I asked for. Would definitely recommend! "
"Amazing is how i would describe brian. Amazing vocals melody lyrics. Genius. If you get the chance to work with him do it. Before he becomes a superstar. Hope to work again soon. Should be 6 stars "
"Perfect seller, gave great feedback on my input and transformed it into the exact kind of song I was looking for. Much thanks"
"Epic work Mphatic you rock thank you - always awesome to work with Mphatic a talented humble musician, producer, songwriter and multi instrumentalist. Thanks for support on our 'Laconic Zephyr' new release "Wake Up" i..."
"This has been my first time working with Ozin on a Raeggeton. He has helped me to fine tune the lyrics and has written two full Rap sections. He has also performed the vocals of the song. I'm glad to say that the res..."
"Thank you for first class vocals. We hope to record again"
"This is the third time hiring Chuck ;) "