Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Marja Burchard
Bringing life to your tracks with high quality drum and percussion recordings. Looking forward to working on your next project.
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Experienced recording, mixing and mastering engineer with over 20 years experience. Very detailed and organized with a passion for mixing music and working long hours.
Professional session drummer, songwriter and artist with over 17 years of experience. Specialising in creating, performing and recording drum parts acoustically, or electronically using acoustic instruments and/or electronics.
welcome at my profile! I´m Saxophonist, flutist and Music Producer. I have been in professional music for more than 20 years. I like jazz, Latin jazz, Salsa (Cuban timba) Funk, Pop, Country, Argentine Folklore and more ... I can help you in what you need God bless you.
I worked with Beres Hammond has his personal studio engineer for 8 years. All tracks of his Grammy nominated album One Love One Life was recorded by me. Track number 10 of this said album was also mixed by me.
I like to keep things groovy around here. Indie, electronica and rock & roll sits closest to my heart, but I welcome any genre. Productions I've contributed on have gained ~ 1 million streams.
If you need the perfect verse or hook to bring your song together I am your guy. With over 6 years of experience, I know how to set you apart.
I can sing most genres, have won many singing competitions such as the wollongong eisteddfod. I have been singing for over 10 years.
Recent Successes
"Good voice, communication skills, and turn around time."
"THIS GUY IS AMAZING!!! Professional, Creative, Original, Patient(very needed with me! ;-) Thank Amigo!, You gave life to the song!! Lets go for the Next!"
"Homero Gallardo is the real deal ! First of all he's a real musician , he listens and understands what you are looking for . he's very talented and i believe he's going to be one of the top producer of Latin music. i ..."
"Austin is amazing to work with. A+++"
"Very professional and very easy to work with her, she is very energetic, up for everything overall the quality is great, so highly recommend her! "
"It was such a pleasure working with a talented professional songwriter such as Jimmy! His vocals and lyrics are on point and we created amazing music together. I highly recommend Jimmy if you are looking for professio..."
"Erman produced some great masters for my debut single! He kept the vibe of the mix and generally made the track sound great. He also provided two versions for me to choose from, which was an awesome touch. Erman w..."
"Another winning performance by Holly. Top rate, as always! A beautiful voice and wonderful person. Excellent communication. Highly recommended!!"
"This is my second project working with Mr. MiG and once again he brought that fire! My go to producer and engineer who knows how to bring out that sound I’m looking for. "