Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Marilyn
Internationally recognized music producer and recording/mixing engineer from London. I was chief engineer at A.I.R. Studios London & Montserrat, now a freelance producer and mixer. I’ve worked with many of the world's finest artists and musicians including Paul McCartney, Rush, Mick Jagger, Mark Knopfler, Corey Hart & John Martyn.
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More providers:
Sean McLaughlin is an award-winning producer/mixer who has worked with a number of artists, both major and indie throughout the US. To quote a recent client: "If you want to make the best record of your life, go to Sean!"
All genres, example @ http://www.grahamdenman.com/ Discography @ http://www.discogs.com/search?type=all&q=Jim+Shifflett&corrected=1
I'm delighted to connect with you and offer my expertise in crafting remarkable vocal melodies. With several hundred vocal melodies under my belt, I'm genuinely enthusiastic about this facet of songwriting and eager to contribute to the brilliance of your music. Currently based in Nashville, I'm extending my services to elevate artists creations!
Producer/Mixer/Engineer/Studio Owner/Musician. I’m currently producing guitarist, John 5 for the new John 5 and The Creatures record, “Invasion". I’m also the guy that won’t F up your vision. My studio, Riott House Studio is comfortable and carries a vibe for capturing inspiration. I’m passionate about my work and strive to create magic.
I am dedicated to your happiness. Hard work ethic and agreeable demeanor. I won't stop working until you are happy with the final product.
My approach:
I have a passion for writing vibrant, thematic scores for film, television, commercials, and more. I have worked for many years to develop a diverse skillset, from lush string writing to catchy, crisp music production. My orchestral music has been performed all over the world, from Boston to Bulgaria. Find my more produced music on Spotify.
Recorded trumpet/arranged horns on releases from Dolly Parton, Sister Sledge, John Oates, Lauren Daigle, and many others. From smooth, funky trumpet stacks and solos to blistering 5 piece horn sections and even full big band horn arrangements, I take pride in delivering pristine quality tracks and will work with you to realize your artistic vision.
Recent Successes
"Working with Marco from Esof Records was a great experience and I'm glad I invested the time & money on his engineering expertise. He was great with making any revisions I requested and performed the job in a timely m..."
"I had a few different engineers master this track to find someone to work with moving forwards. Freds master was most definitely the pick of the batch. I look forward to working with you again in the near future. "
"Eyal is a world class guitarist! very customer friendly and reasonable. He contributed with some outstanding nylon Spanish GTRs and flamenco claps (on one of the RAVE tracks). I can't recommend Eyal enough!"
"Incredible talent, quick turnaround, goes extra mile."
"Elliot did a fantastic job on this master. I have been working with an API for the past couple of months, but couldn't get this mix to sound quite right on all devices. He dialed it in perfectly. Planning to have h..."
"As I've said before, Killian has become my go-to producer because he ALWAYS delivers far above my hopes/dreams/expectations! I have completed 3 pop-EDM style songs with him that were all super rough demos when I sent ..."
"Amazing quality master, awesome guy, and 100% the person you should hire for your mix/master"