Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mardelay
Specializing in producing, recording, and mixing singer-songwriters and independent artists. I have over 20 years of experience in the craft... and if you simply need a killer guitarist, I can help you there, too!
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Having been a part of the NYC Music Scene for over a decade, I've been on both sides of the glass. I've put out albums both as a musician and a record producer, and now I primarily focus on realizing the creative vision of other artists. It's my goal to make the production process as seamless as possible.
Professional touch to your music.
With a unique voice and the ability to be gritty or smooth and soulful, Brittany Collins is the woman you want filling out your sound. A consummate professional with over ten years of stage experience, a quick learner, and a great collaborator.
Singer, songwriter, and producer. @docesounds
Looking for anything that has to do with sound design? Then I am your guy - I can plan, record, design and implement - from start to finish.
Let's make it happen.
Hi, I'm Beatrice Behave, and I'll create soulful vocal vibes for your productions!
20 years experience producing, mixing & mastering - award winning sound designer, remixer & composer. Mixing and mastering can be a daunting process. I make sure my clients are confident that their aims for each record has been communicated, understood and executed. The artist comes first, each and every time. I'm here to enhance your vision!
Recent Successes
"Ziv is a hard working professional. Always available and going the extra mile."
"Wes is a very knowledgeable and accommodating engineer. He provided a master that elevated the track and took it to the next level in terms of fullness, clarity, and punchiness. I have never worked with an engineer th..."
"Perfect. Amazing pleasure and feeling w/ Maria. I'll repeat soon. Thanks one more time"
"Always a pleasure working with Timms! Did exactly what I asked for---and then some! Can't wait to work with her again. "
"It was fun working with him. I sent him a nice, but average rough mix and got an excellent master in return. I will surely get back to you as soon as my next song(s) are ready to be mixed. Good luck and always: Hap..."
"Perfect result once again, thank you Rob! :D "
"Super happy I got to work with AJ. I absolutely love the remix he made. It's exactly what I wanted. AJ is super professional, easygoing, flexible, and understanding. Great communication and a pleasure to work with him..."
"A GENIUS. I had a thought (trust me only a thought), and he was able to turn it into a groove I could rock with. Also, I appreciated his turnaround time he produced quicker than he originally shared. We'll definit..."
"Stefano definitely has superpowers! I really loved the result of his mixing and mastering, and would definitely recommend him to other musicians. I particularly appreciated his professionalism, collaborative approach,..."