Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with MapLord (Mobile Game)
Hi! I have over 10 years experience in producing music in all genres, started from mainstage EDM to Uk Bass / Dnb music & rap / trap / hip hop beats and pop influenced tracks too. Now I work as an vocal producer & sound designer in Markowe Studio near to Warsaw, but I want to give my free time to produce or mix some of your tracks! hit me up on dm.
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More providers:
Audio engineering from SAE Institute Mexico, I specialized in mixing.
We are a mixing & mastering facility, specializing in folk, alternative & rock music.
Welcome to BAKERMOON, a high-end recording studio in Berlin run by British engineer, producer, Ed Bentley.
She sings, she arranges, she plays the guitar,is proficient on the bass, the clarinet, the keys, can produce in any genres, she can write.... I'll let her music tell you the rest.
Hey there! I'm Candice. I sing, write songs, and dabble a little bit in music production. I am open to any music genre as I have always listened to and perform a wide variety of music. If you have a vision or an idea which you need help executing, leave me a message, I got you!
Producing for 3 years and ready to help in your journey through music and being an artist. South Asian producer of 16 years.
Mix and master daily based, Italian rapper, multifaceted artist
Creative vision focused mixer for Lø Spirit, Dalton Dover, Lahar and more! Are you looking for someone to craft a sound perfectly suited to your song? You've found the right guy, let me follow your creative intent and make it perfect!
Recent Successes
"Excellent Job and exactly what I imagined... I can just recommend her - she worked herself into the song. Thanks Aubrey and I will get in touch for the next job soon ;) "
"As good as usual !"
"Such a great experience, especially for a new, young, and upcoming artist. He’s receptive, inspiring, highly skilled in this domain. Love the work he does, breathing life into everything he does. I’m excited to see wh..."
"Excelent Job. It has been always a pleasure to work with him. Being good is not the only thing that matters here, you also must be open and willing to do whatever it takes to make the artist happy. Besides Andres beau..."
"I very much enjoy working with Danny, his pen skills is magical top tier, Great listener, one of my favorites. As Tina Turner would say… YOUR SIMPLY THE BEST!"
"Kudos to Lillo! Thank you for helping me out in the post-production for the score of the short movie Heartbeats. The job was thorough and professional, we managed to wrap up in time for the deadlines I had. I..."
"Working with Chris is always a great experience as he is a real professional and his only goal is to deliver the best result possible and takes is time. He is also very open to receive and give feedback to achieve thi..."