Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Manuel Agnelli
My name is Giuvazza, I am a professional guitarist, producer, composer and arranger. if you are looking for original and powerful ideas, you are in the right place. I working with labels such as Warner // Universal // Carousello, European tours and italian TV Shows.
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I can do vocals for your song in different styles. I can also create lyrics in English and Russian. Sometimes I just start a song from vocals and record also some instrumental part.
Hi! I am Zofft, I have been producing, mixing, mastering and remixing music for three years now. I have made 20 songs and I have collaborated with other musicians via remixes. I master on a regular basis being my preferences: EDM, Dubstep, HipHop, Trap, Rock, Heavy. For an affordable price I can take your ideas or production to the next level.
A laid-back collaborator who puts equal emphasis on creative fun and sonic precision.
Producing since May 2016. Released 2 songs apart of the movie "Chinese Speaking Vampires".
Are you looking for songs that are different yet still commercial? Great, please get in touch as that's where I can help. I am a songwriter and write mainly across pop, rock and jazz genres - please check out my reel. I play multiple instruments and have experience working with multiple singers/musicians and worked in the music business.
I have many Dreams I have many vision’s, I grew up loving HipHop and after experiencing some hardship growing up Music found me after my son’s death while I was incarcerated for some time around the (2020 Pandemic) and after understanding the industry a lot more I want to be a part of the culture and growth of it.
Making electronic music for affordable prices
Worked Alongside one of Namibia's biggest artist. I am open to exploring vast and new genres and I do not take too long with my projects at hand. I am a strong believer of communication and I am easy to talk to.
Recent Successes
"Gemaine is literally a gem. Cant go wrong, amazing dude with an awesome set of pipes. Would love to work again! 10/10"
"Pure pro, from communication, music theory, and stylistic approach! Highly recommend."
"Brittany was a pleasure to work with, she has a beautiful voice comes up with catchy melodies, delivers in a timely fashion and has great communication. I couldn't be more impressed. "
"Another great performance! Always amazing work with Jenny. She has a special character in her voice, a certain je ne se quois, that really stands out! Delivered on the deadline agreed, everything we discussed, Main vo..."
"I worked with Sagar for the mixing and mastering of one of my songs. Here is very qualified, generous and respectful. I really appreciated his patience and he's a class act. His work really highlighted the vibration a..."
"Working with Patrick has been an absolutely amazing experience. I asked him if he could create a Spotify canvas for my upcoming song and he delivered one in such a timely manner. The process was smooth and he has done..."
"Great job did multiple changes and helped me with his profesional input into my situation."
"The best. Always will be! "
"Quality recording, smooth cooperation and an impeccable performance is what you get with Jenny. Highly recommended!"