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Manhuaçu Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Been working with audio for 6 years now. Have a degree in Recording Arts. Worked at a studio in downtown Orlando for 3 years. I quit my studio job to get into concert mixing and do this for a side job.
Full time "sound engineer" based in Stockholm, Sweden for more than 8 years. Professional mixing services with attention to detail with the client in focus. Listen to my mixes for reference. See this video on how i work on a song: https://youtu.be/FOKx36noUKk
I'm finishing up my Bachelor of Music in Sound Recording Technology and looking to gain some additional experience with the aspects of music production that I have fewer opportunities to explore in the classroom.
1 Album and 4 EP’s all released
First, I get to know you and the song. Understand how you feel, what you imagine, and what do you expect the song to be. It's your baby, I know. That's why I'll take proper care. I guarantee you I'll do my best to get what the song needs and deliver the guitars accordingly, soulfull and sensitively.
Hardworking and dedicated master of my craft. Top credits include sync for MTV's Catfish & Are We There Yet?, PGA Tour, CBS Sports cues. I've produced and remixed for artists such as Dragonette, Blondfire, Empire of the Sun, and Nico & Vinz. Genres don't exist! Specialize in midi production and mixing. Guitar, bass and drummer. Creative automation.
Elevate your music and make it heard with professional mastering for your Pop, Electronic, or Soul song. With over 2 years experience in the Industry, I am sure to satisfy you.
Soy un Artista & Productor Musical Independiente.
Recent Successes
"Austin is a really nice and talented guy, he did an amazing job on my song I'm gonna work with him again for sure :)) G "
"Bryan is very knowledgeable, and a very nice person with a lot of passion for his work. It was very evident he has a wealth of experience with the final masters he sent. Could not be more impressed!"
"Bailey has got a great voice and backs it up with talent in her vocal performance, a quality setup and recording, and professionalism in her communication and delivery! Would definitely recommend!"
"How is this guy not selling out stadiums? ALWAYS captures the spirit and mood of the song, fearless, bright and a terrific feel for music "
"I've said before that it was a pleasure working with Chris, and I keep repeating that. After our first mixing, we decided to continue mixing the other songs in my album. His approach to my songs was very professional ..."
"He is incredible "
"As always, very good work from Nico, he delivers quality work and very quickly! Highly recommend"
"My goodness... what a pleasure working with Matt. He genuinely pours so much care into his work, and brought the song sonically to a level that is everything I imagined the it could be, and beyond where anything I've ..."