Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with manfred krug
Cromatic harmonica top player
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Mixing Mastering Although I have a full barrage of skills from artist to engineer. I'm limiting my works here to doing simple mixing and mastering jobs to help get people from the tracks stage to the demo stage. My prices will reflect the effort required. I will still give constructive and progressive advice so we can work again knowing it's a tea
I'll come back and fill this out. Checking out this platform. I'm excited to work with you guys!
I can make very good music for you in any genre
If you want to add originality to your track...IEDM,funk,rock, jazz chops & harmony to bring to your music. I have a Fazioli Grand piano, PT Professional Studio, innovative sound design.Limitless sound OZMOSYS,Programmed &performed Peter Gabriel on the Growing Up Live projects, I did all the keys and key orchestration on Wayne Shorter’s Highlife)
Full-time mastering expert.
Crafting stunning vocal lines with ethereal lyrics for electronica, folk and pop.
Welcome to Astral Voyage Studios! We are a one-stop-solution music production studio in Carson, CA.
Put your finished track on a Spotify playlist beside anyone else and it will compete. I focus on metalcore/hard rock and other sub-genres of metal (death, black, tech) I work tirelessly to bring you productions you're happy with.
Recent Successes
"If you are looking for a top professional then look no further than Marco , he has the ability to deliver on time a top product Everytime !!!! Without fail.. . Thanks again Marco amazing track . Jazzy"
"I love the mix I got back. I provided a general sound I was looking for and the track I got back was interesting and different that anything I would have done on my own. He was super quick too and very easy to work wi..."
"I did one song with Emma and then quickly followed up with another 9 songs, all of which she finished to a very high standard. I am absolutely delighted with Emma’s work to make all of my vocals polished but also fee..."
"One of the things I really like about Philip, is his level of professionalism. He's clearly not just a guy who throws together some beats or a "template". Rather, he's someone that takes that time to craft the music, ..."
"Absolutely amazing, delivered to my exact specifications and very communicative. Will be a returning customer!"
"For every great song, there is an equally great producer - and being able to work with Mark has shown me that he has the skills, feedback, and drive to both meet and exceed your production expectations! "
"Mike was so professional, with an AMAZING sounding master and so timely!! Definitely worth your time and attention. Very grateful for his help!"
"The best mastering engineer on PLANET EARTH!"
"Working with Richard is a dream. He's an incredible singer-songwriter and a pleasure to interact with. He's super professional and highly recommended! "