Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mamajuana
Dominican Producer/Dj/composer Eddy González and the band Mamajuana was 2001 Best Dominican New Artist, nominated to 2002 Premios Lo Nuestro Univision for Best Tropical Group and Pre-nominated to 2004 Grammy awards as Best Urban album for their second release "For Sale".
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As an artist myself, I know how much your songs mean to you. I'd love the opportunity to make your project sound professional and polished for a great price!
I just love making music! Hip Hop, RnB, Pop and EDM are my specialties. I can also write lyrics and if you are in Toronto I have access to a vocal booth to record your vocals. However I do not mix and master I only make the songs. Want music for your tv,movie or commercial? I have an extensive library of instrumentals for every mood!
Certified audio engineer from SAE Los Angeles, USA. Always open to work on different genres from all around the Milky Way! Will mix and master your track for $100 offering two free revisions.
Dominican Producer/Dj/composer Eddy González and the band Mamajuana was 2001 Best Dominican New Artist, nominated to 2002 Premios Lo Nuestro Univision for Best Tropical Group and Pre-nominated to 2004 Grammy awards as Best Urban album for their second release "For Sale".
I have a great range of synths that I can use if you want to record something special. Accomplished song writer with over 400 songs written.
Over 5 years experience in Game Audio, I strive to use my experience and passions to create exceptional and unique soundscapes for your game projects. No project is too big or too small, please get in touch to discuss yours today!
I make hits for all genres.
Standardized, cost-effective, & class-leading music services from a studio chain with 11+ years of experience in the industry.
Recent Successes
"It is always a super experience working with Marco,his knowledge of musical arrangement is second to nobody !!!!!!! He always brings "love & Light" to my music taking it to another level. Marco is truly a wonderful ..."
"It was an absolute pleasure to work with Brandon. He is very professional, organized, and got the job done in the time that I needed. Would definitely do another track with him in the future!"
"Another fanstastic project expierence with Eileen. Her range is huge and she can deliver the right tune for so many genres. Strongly recommend her for your next project."
"Trent was quick to record, and did a wonderful job with the harmonica parts. He provided a few different takes for me to choose from, and his interpretation of the song was spot on. 10/10. Would definitely collaborate..."
"I've worked with Julaiah a lot, this time I needed her to quickly implement my ideas for the track I wrote, and she gave me a really quick turnaround with no adjustments or fixes needed. If you are looking for a sin..."
"Great singer with a good voice. Altough I wasn't quite happy with the result because i felt it was a bit pitchy. But after a revision the results where better. Still not as good as I expected.. but maybe my expectatio..."
"Gabriele was absolutely amazing! He created a beautiful guitar piece made specifically for the poems I presented to him;. He listened to every beat; every rhythm and created a wonderful sound. When I added my poem to ..."
"Luke is an absolute DREAM to work with. My vision was brought to life even more than I could have imagined. Luke has a really collaborative, positive, and creative energy. Can’t wait to work together again! "