Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mallinder
2 UK Top 40, 9 Club Chart Number 1, 30 year career in House Music
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Hey, I'm Josh, a professional Music producer, songwriter and session guitarist, based in Glasgow UK where I work from my own private recording studio.
Production and Engineering done with the artist and writer in mind. Get services by an experienced writer and session vocalist.
With 10 years of experience I'm excited to try my luck here on soundBetter! I have experience in mastering pop, hip-hop, edm, and radio advertisements.
Hello! I'm Emil - a producer, songwriter, mixer, vocalist and guitarist. I've been involved with lots of projects through running a recording studio for years, producing, writing, mixing and playing. I'm now only doing this part time, but still have the knowledge, ears, and pipes to help you with your project.
Cozy, vibe-filled studio providing top notch music and audio production services to New York's Hudson Valley and beyond!
I am "Frannie EL" a professional singer/songwriter and music producer who has written for and collaborated with a good number of other professional singers and recording companies. Although versatility is one of my greatest strength, the genre I am most proficient in is Rnb/Pop/EDM/AfroBeats
Work mode on lets see what we can do
Mixer/Producer/Engineer that's made records as Loveclub with over 700k streams & has helped friends out with their own projects. With every project I take on I give my full attention & expertise until the client is absolutely satisfied. I won't take on any project unless I have complete confidence I will achieve the results you are looking for.
Recent Successes
"Diego is just the best out there for rock bass. Incredible! "
"Darren is a professional in every way. I would highly recommend him to any producer! Great vocalist and mixing engineer. If you want the vocals to sound professional and modern, just trust him and you will not be disa..."
"Always a pleasure to work with Benjamin! I am a repeat customer and will be happy to work with him again in the future! Always a patient and diligent producer who works hard to produce the sound I want. "
"Killian Cruiser = Seriously Awesome Producer!!! I am so excited to be back working with Killian (our previous tracks got over 1/2 million streams all together) - and once again - he did not disappoint!!! Awesome vibe,..."
"Aubrey was great to work with- she was very open to the changes we wanted made and I greatly appreciated her attention to detail in the process. Specifically loved that she had detailed questions about our vision for ..."
"Wow! Cannot wait to find another project that suits Abbie's vocal range and approach - I would highly recommend her to anyone that's looking for high range vocal power while still conveying great emotional connection ..."
"Very good work! Alex provided exactly what I wanted with precision timing, the right sound, and great creativity!"
"Great result and super quick turnaround time. Was patient and accurate with my revision requests."
"Was great working with Naim, I appreciated him being receptive to feedback."