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Málaga Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Màlaga
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I am audio engineer with 15+years experience in recording, mixing. I am also session / live drummer with tour experience. Most of my initial experience was on post production studios and live, but after some years now I can really focus on my music recording studio which is my passion.
Over ten years of experience producing, mixing, and mastering pop, hip-hop, and electronic songs.
Esther Paez is a singer based in Malaga, Spain. She fed her natural talent with influences from Soul, pop, Funky, in her childhood, World Music in her adolescence and Jazz in her growth. She developed her own style of singing, blue and smooth and her silky voice is in demand by lots of artists of different genres
Alexis.Noise is a home studio located in Málaga, Spain, featuring great modern digital tools that also let us move the studio wherever you want to record. Music is our passion, and we focus on making a big sound in an intimate setting.
Estamos considerados como la empresa de limpieza en Malaga, con más referencias de la zona, el 100% de nuestros clientes repiten. Aquí, el Blog Limsama, vas a ver mucha información. No en vano, esta Empresa de Limpieza en Malaga es considerada lider y en su sitio web encontrarás respuesta a cualquier duda que te surja.
Malaga based multi genre Singer/songwriter.
Young multi-instrumentalist for your arrangement and recording sessions
Recent Successes
"What a gifted artist, I can’t thank Chris enough. Peace!"
"It's kind of amazing to work with a mixing engineer who you never need to go past 2 revisions with. Josh is the man! Don't pass him up!"
"I needed to find a "seasoned" musical theatre vocalist. The issue I quickly with Soundbetter however, is they don't (as of now) have a Broadway/Theatre genre box. So, I had to painstakingly flip through Pop vocalists ..."
"I have been lucky enough to use Gal 3 times now. twice before I met him on Soundbetter, And now here on this platform. Gal is a standout musician with real studio skills. I cant recommend him enough. his feel for the ..."
"Great Job!!!"
"Chris is my hero. Seriously the best."
"An amazing person to work with. Extremely professional and consistent with his work. I recommend him to anyone who wants their work to be taken to the next level."