Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Magma Banana
Producer, Songwriter, Mix & Mastering Engineer.
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I can guarantee you a commercial record with a clean low end and pristine high-end with upfront vocals, a bouncy 808/bass and textures that you will not find anywhere else.
I've been at this for 20yrs+, have worked with the likes of producers Garth Richardson, John Feldmann, Josh Wilbur, etc. All genres welcome, understood and appreciated!
Composer, Lyricist, Rock-Opera Tenor, Guitarist. great at Counter-Melodies Lead vocals and Harmony backups! Producer and Author of Americana Pop-Anthem "WALKIN THRU THE PARK." Rock Music, Musical Comedy, Experimental electronic.
Hardware mastering for heavy rock and electronic music. techno, industrial . Idm. Breaks - Jungle - ambient - early electronics.
I will provide keyboards for your song within 24 hours of the job being approved wth 2 alterations. Files are delivered as 24bit / 48k wavs. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge.
Hello! With over 20 years of Music experience, from the Stage to the Studio, I aim to bring the best out of each Artist I work with.
Will help your music to stand out and sound professional.
Audio Engineer and Music Producer by profession. Musician since he was 11 years old, working live and in the studio with renowned artists. Mastering instruments such as the piano, guitar, bass, drums, as well as handling virtual instruments. 4 years of experience producing, specialized in genres such as pop, synth pop, indie, electronic music, etc.
Recent Successes
"Has a good ear, and really professional! Made my track sound amazing"
"What can I say? Kristal is a total pro. Super-Talented, and delivered some knock-out performances. But more than her chops, she brought a great vibe to the project. Music is more than the technical, and Kristal br..."
"Elise is so professional in how she approaches each song. Always bring joy to the heart and soul. Thanks "
"Antoine agreed on some revision. But once I released the funds...never heard back of him anymore. I writing this review 6 months after placing the order. I mean he really had enough time honor his contract. "
"Another great drum track from Chris! He's professional, versatile, and open to direction. This last track called for some delicate brushwork and straight ahead blues rock, and Chris delivered beautifully on both! I h..."
"Sara is a 100% professional, communication A++++, skills A++++ I could only recommend his work. Will come back soon with another project"
"Another fantastic rock vocal performance from Ethan!"