Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lvovo
I'm Mt Nzima,a seasoned mixing engineer with (11) years of experience in transforming tracks into polished, professional recordings. My expertise covers a diverse range of genres, from Dance to Amapiano,Gqom & Indie Genres, and I’m dedicated to bringing out the best in your music.
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I am an engineer from LA, getting my start working at world renowned Ocean Way Recording. Currently engineering full time for Merle Haggard and mixing/mastering freelance projects.
My name is Marat, I'm in love with music and music production. I'm a Russia based mixing engineer, producer, singer-songwriter and sound designer. I'm open for collaborations and new works and projects that are full of adventure.
"You cant make a crow sing" but, if you want I can give my best shot. With over 200+ commercial and non-commercial vocal recording sessions and mixes with many experienced and non experienced fellows, I can sure you with a quite satisfaction.
Lets Work... Your Looking For Beats for your next project lets work, You looking for Producers for your next project hit me
As a singer songwriter I can take any style and make it my own! With Hooks that get stuck in your head I deliver an undeniable sound! You can check out my music right on my website! www.prejonsings.com/music SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!
My name is Ruben Castro , I am a Los Angeles based Mixing Engineer and I want to help you get the sound you've always wanted. I've assisted engineered sessions with artists like Khalid, Zara Larsson, Maria Isabel. Credits include : Idris Elba, Zara Larsson, Robot 95, The Midnight, Near x Far, NCS, PopSockets.
Everything I touch I turn into art
With my experience and studio equipment, I'm able to bring your work and creative production wishes to reality. I love to colaborate and help people develop a distinct character to their sound and productions and show the potency on your creations.
Recent Successes
"As always, a rapid turnaround of top-quality inventive guitar, bass, and synth work. Another huge collab! "
"Great mastering from truesound. He mastered a whole album for me, and sounded very very good. I tried many mastering engineers true the years, And so far Truesound has done a great great job.. Really great sound and h..."
"Dave is patient, kind, and has an incredible ear. It was really a pleasure to both meet and work with Dave. He understood exactly what I was going for in my mix and he brought my tracks to life in a way that really ..."
"An Amazing guy to working with. "
"Once again Leandro has put all his heart, energy and musicianship into this latest production. He has an incredible ear for structure, melody and harmony which he effortlessly communicates to his client. His productio..."
"I've lost count of the number of songs Producer G has worked on for me. He always provides exactly what I'm looking for, in every genre. He works quickly, yet pays attention to the details needed. I highly recommen..."
"Serouj is Fantastic!. He created well thought-out lyrics from scratch and recorded them in a quick and efficient manner. He is a great performer with a wide range of vocal capabilities. I have several projects in m..."
"Great work! Bang on brief, with some lovely additional touches. Very quick and easy to work with. Highly recommended. "
"Jonas is an absolute professional heavy metal drummer and hands down the best I have recorded with in my entire career. An amazing talent that delivers an amazing performance every time. "