Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Luiz Brasil
French percussionist proficient in Brazilian, African and Latin music. Also competent in jazz, pop, funk and more creative things like drumsets. Currently performing in Lion King at Theatre Mogador in Paris. Percussion coach at Disneyland Paris. www.jonathanedo.com I’d love to hear about your project. Click the ‘Contact’ button above to g
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Hello! My name is Armen and I am running a record label in Sweden which can supply you with many music services.
I´m a singer, booked for events where I cover songs. I also work on my own music, writing lyrics, but looking for the right producers to work with.
I will add magic to your project. Tell me what your vision is and we'll make it happen together.
Audio engineer and musician specialized in arrangements and mixing, I love working on projects from around the world. If you have any type of recordings, I'll use my best skills to bring them to another level, technically and musically.
Audio engineer/mixer and music producer based in Miami, FL. Credits include Jorge Franco, Borja, Samantha Sanchez and many more
Up and coming Engineer, Producer and multi-Instrumentalist (Bass, Guitar, Keyboards and Percussion) working in N.SW Australia. Currently producing and engineering with Melody Pool, Ben Leece and Andy Abra and The Big River Band. Looking to branch out and meet new people to work with in any types of projects any where in the world.
Grammy Nominated Tim Palmer has produced and mixed albums for a huge selection of classic and alternative artists including U2, Robert Plant, David Bowie, Tears For Fears, and Ozzy Osbourne. With the recent success of the Psychedelic Furs album that Tim mixed, he has succeeded in having Top Ten albums in the UK for 5 Decades.
Recent Successes
"I must say few people i have worked with are this patient, talented and friendly. It has been an honor and a steep learning curve for me to work with Randellovic. Dont sleep on this guy, contact and have fun."
"Jonah is easy to discuss ideas with, he delivers quickly and he does fantastic work. Highly recommended."
"again a wonderful Italian Lyrics for my song! great working with him."
"Ronaldo is a world-class keyboardist with great taste; he completely understood what I was trying to do with my project. He's friendly, communicative, quick and provided me with plenty of stems to work with. I look fo..."
"Aidan's mixes are spot on. His dedication to getting it right shines through as well. He's my new go-to mixer."
"Responsive, professional, in tune with producers needs.Highly recommended Oscar to anyone who needs a Mix/Master Engineer who has a natural talent for, as he is a producer himself, bringing out the best from your drum..."
"Mart is just perfect! I highly recommend working with him! He is very professional, easy to communicate with and provides his tracks very fast."
"Great vocalist & fast deliveries, needed a full revision on the vocal to make it perfect and she did it. If you need Slap House or any Cover Vocals she is the one to go for!"
"Hire him now! Man's a genius and will bring your song to life. Top tier, best on SoundBetter."