Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ludimila
Me formei na Berklee em 2016 e desde então faço o melhor pra extrair a maior qualidade de cada projeto que participo.
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Clear and Punchy Beats, Mixes and Masters at a Reasonable Rate
Multi-Instrumentalist with a Creative Perspective Looking to Breathe New Live into your Music!
Producer & mixer with over 10 years experience, 200 professional credits, and millions of streams. Credits include BBC (Sting), Sony Records, Robots & Humans, 25 Hour Convenience Store (Gary Powell of The Libertines & Factory Records), EMI, Soul Kitchen and more. I will make sure we create something uniquely yours.
Sound your best with a powerful, balanced mix
My goal is to make your song sound the best it possibly can and offer label quality results at an indie friendly rate.
Award winning, pop forward, composer, producer, vocalist
French producer, I've worked with lot of artist around the world. I can mixed lot of types, mood and energy. Create unique music that look like you.
Life is Music
Recent Successes
"Having never used a topliner, I was really nervous about giving it a try. I was afraid I might not like it as much as what I had, but I was really struggling with a solid melody and couldn't get passed what I already ..."
"I just finished my second project with Michael. I continue to be impressed with his ability to hear the song, and play to it. I asked Michael to play what he felt, what he heard.....and he did just that. Looking forwa..."
"This has been an amazing experience to work with Tanya Venom of Stormstress on my Who.iAm song, L.M.K. She is a joy to work, she is all about the music. Tanya Venom is a premiere guitarist and musician!!! and having h..."
"Another amazing mix and master by John. He has brought perfect clarity to another one of my cinematic pieces. Every track in the piece sounds like they have come to life. John also brought magical tonal processing to ..."
"Andres (El Burrito) did an amazing job demonstrating a great talent to carry out each idea we proposed. I will definitely work with him again!"
"Finding musicians who truly understand your vision can be a bit like playing roulette. I'm delighted to have crossed paths with James. He's not only a lovely person but also a highly skilled professional. I highly rec..."
"Great experience "