Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lucy Wroe
Hi! I’m Tom. I’m a music producer and sound engineer, I’ve been working in the recording industry for 4 years, and have been producing and engineering music for over 10 years. I specialise in indie, pop, and experimental music primarily, but I’m incredibly open to new styles and expanding my musical palette.
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Anthony Rankin & Victor Brodén (a.k.a. Hysteria Bros.) are a potent, pop-driven music production and songwriting team based in Nashville.
I specialize in searing guitar leads and huge riffs. I also love a good reverb-soaked clean track. Really, whatever you need, I'm game.
Musician for 21 years, audio recording engineer, producer, mix engineer for 14. I specialize in rock and indie recordings and am known for capturing fantastic drum sounds. Hire me and I'll help take your music to a new level. Recent clients include American Idol Top 7 finalist "Louis Knight".
A guitar player. Mixing and editing recordings
Creative audio studio in Nottingham offering music recording, mixing and mastering services.
I have a deep long passion/experience producing & engineering dance music. I specialize in Techno, Deep House, Progressive House, Tech House. My speciality is to create a well balanced, clean and punchy mix, using both analog and digital equipments to give it a unique feel. I can also give feedback and advice on arrangements.
101 records in Zamdela Sasolburg
Specializes in Rock, Hard Rock, Blues, Country, Indi, Acoustic, Ambiant, and Latin styles
Recent Successes
"Second time working with Tyler. I really enjoy the quality of his work as well as his great attitude. Great working with him! Thanks again Tyler!"
"Very quick and easy to work with. I look forward to working with her in the very near future!!!BANG"
"Man, I enjoy working with "Gosteffects" I think we are getting into a groove. I think he will definitely be my go to here."
"Paul was a real pleasure to work with. He played the parts I wrote exactly how I wanted them and even improved upon them while still keeping the intent of the song. The performance had great feeling behind it. I highl..."
"Kills it every time."
"Man really is the best guitarist in the world!"
"Spectacular vocalist and writer! Creative. Quick turnaround. Totally got what we were looking for and smashed it. HIGHLY recommend. "
"Wow! Working with Leandro has been such a great experience. He's so talented! He's also kind and gives honest feedback that can help you improve your song, and take it to the next level. This is the second project I'v..."