Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Low Liminal
Rev up your music with a pro mix and master, delivering standout quality. We specialize in alternative, rock, hardcore, metal, and punk genres, capturing the vibrant energy and authentic essence that characterizes each one.
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My name is Andrew Long and I'm a mixing and mastering engineer, specializing in metal, pop, and alternative music, with ten years of experience. I have worked with and learned from multiple Grammy award winning mixing engineers and producers. Through these experiences I can confidently say I have the skills to bring your music to life!
Buenos samples, respeto por el artista y el sonido buscado... creaciones desde 0 dejando que la musica haga todo...
PRODUCER | SOUND ENGINEER | MIX & MASTER ENGINEER Over 100.000.000 Spotify streams on ghost productions worldwide.
Hi, I'm Lorenzo Cimino in art just Cimino, I'm a 19 year old Italian boy. I am a singer, songwriter, arranger, producer and I do well in mix & master too. Contact me I'm nice and available for any job.
Affordable Mixing & production. I am a Mixing and Mastering Engineer, Songwriter, Producer, and Singer.
Impeccable quality live drum tracks, recorded and performed by me. Specializing in Rock, Reggae, Pop, and Hip Hop. I also have 20 + years experience in mixing, and offer this service in conjunction with, or independent of, my drumming services.
Composer | Sound Engineer | Music Producer for Artists, Films, and Commercials
New ideas, creativity, feelings...and a lot of records on their way... :)
Recent Successes
"It was a real pleasure for me to work together with Cease Fire Productions! Great tracks in a short time, very creative, extremely friendly, absolutely pro! Looking forward to work together again!"
"Gdaliy is a very good and highly skilled musician. He is flexible and professional, and the tone of his playing is beautiful. I will highly recommend him!"
"Anna is talented pianoplayer and songwriter with an excellent soundquality in recording. She is very clear and to the point in explaining what she is doing. Her professionality makes it a pleasure to work with her."
"Alex was an absolute pleasure to work with. He has such a unique ear when it comes to music & really added that magic touch to my songs. I am incredibly excited to continue working with Alex going forward, and feel so..."
"Great work as always! We needed a really quick turnaround on our track and Taylor was able to get it done and make the song sound great. Getting ready to work on our 5th track with him!"
"It's a 5-star review system, but in my heart, I'm giving SoundReserve a 10/10. This was my first time making a song, but he was very patient and informative the whole way through, even when I didn't exactly know what ..."
"Jeff is probably the best professional musician I met here on SoundBetter. Always kind, always understanding, and always delivers the best. Highly recommended!"
"Jaki's vocal contribution to the song "Love" was nothing short of spectacular; her voice, imbued with a powerful intensity and a touch of grit, soared through the chorus with an emotional depth that truly brought the ..."