Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Love&Other
HEARD ON: ITV2's Love Island, BBC Radio 1's Big Weekend, Kiss FM, 6Music, Radio 1, BBC Introducing. CREDITS: Rita Ora, Rudimental, Skepsis, Gabry Ponte, ShiftK3y, Sigala, Alan Walker, Charlotte Plank, Karen Harding, Punctual, Alex Hosking, Will Clarke & Roger Sanchez. SOUNDS LIKE: Becky Hill, Sia, Pink, Xtina, Adele.
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I have over 110 million streams across my catalog of production and writing credits. I work across a wide variety of genres and my top song is ‘Strawberry Sunscreen’ by Lostboycrow which I produced, co-wrote, and played synths and guitar on. I'm also in the band Winnetka Bowling League.
With a growing catalog of diverse work, Mat Larimer is a competent engineer who is always moving forward and working to produce the best sound for your project.
Songwriting and vocals with unique tonal qualities, tugging strings of familiarity and edge.
Mixing and Mastering is at the very heart of what I can do to help you create a commercial-grade mix that can compete on the market. The same commitment and dedication I put into serving our great nation is put in creating quality music for you.
Hello my name is Dionlovelle I am a Professional singer-songwriter from Sanjose CA, moved up to LA to pursue music. I'd love to be apart of your musical events! Hire me for:Birthday Parties, Holidays,Romantic events/Date night,Music Events,Demo tracks,BGVocals, BG Guitar, Melodies, songwriting and Producing. as well as Lessons, Editing & Animation
Catchy Hooks? Memorable/Unique verses? My only aim is to express and elevate the feeling sonically, regardless of the soundscape, when I feel something, we connect.
I am Alsaad. I am an entrepreneur. I founded Oaif, a minimalistic quiet luxury clothing brand.
My name is Gee Floyd, Im a rapper/songwriter from Michigan. I've been writing music for 12 years, I've worked with Grammy winning and Nominated artist, written outside of music, and I've traveled all over the country thanks to my talent and I'm here to help!
Recent Successes
"Chris again demonstrating some amazing production skills. Just produced a dub Hiphop track next level. Loving working with Chris who's great nature and amazing skills has taken music to an awesome place"
"Ety worked incredibly well for me on a previous project, and second time around she delivered everything that was asked of her, yet again. Even some last minute revisions were recorded on time and they worked perfectl..."
"I have searched far and wide for a mastering engineer that could do world class work for me, and it turned out to be the very same engineer that does so much of my mixing. Don't get sold on the people with 30K of sign..."
"There was a moment on this one where it wasn't sounding quite right, but then after a quick talk, he aced it. I get emotional with our songs and them sounding right, but he reassured me with his next draft and was p..."
"Fabian is a really talented, qualified and great guy to work with! The quality of work and the patience he has to create an absolutely 100% satisfying product is amazing! Would definitely work with him again! "
"Amazing voice, fast to respond and record!"
"Great working with Fred, super responsive and put his own taste in the master!"