Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Loulita Gill
I'm a mixer and music producer who has mixed over 1,000 songs. I am also a session musician, so I look at songs with the eye of an engineer and as a musician, which helps me bring the songs to their full potential.
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Craft powerful productions that have your songs sound better than they do in your head and give you the tools to get those songs heard.
I am a professional producer, mix and mastering engineer. I run a label and professional studio. I have the passion, skills and equipment to get the most out of your creations.
Full time Mastering Engineer with +20 years in the biz and hundreds of official releases from Major Artist to Independent. Owner of a international standards spec studio in South Italy. I'll be proud to be part of you project if your vision is produce a piece of art made to last forever.
The largest recording studios in the West Midlands, recently redeveloped following over a quarter of a million pounds of National Lottery funding. This historic studio, operating since the late 1940s, is where the original sound effects for Gerry Anderson's Thunderbirds and Stingray were recorded.
I worked for a few years collaborating with local artists and producers to find myself as an artist. After defining my sound and identity, I started working on my first EP titled “1996” named after the year I was born. For the third single released, "Besame"
Send me your worship/folk raw music tracks, and I will mix and master it to be a release ready song. You can also send me your vocal and guitar instrument(s) and i will make it a full arrangement song. I'm only open for worship and/or folk music.
Tu sonido debe ser preciso. Después de tantos años de estudiar todo tipo de músicos y géneros aprendí a no aceptar cualquier proyecto que toque a la puerta. Procuro examinar cada detalle del artista y su trabajo, para saber si puedo aportar algo positivo en su obra, porque es mejor saberlo desde el principio y no averiguarlo en el camino.
Recent Successes
"Ray did a fantastic job & brought his own ideas and knowledge to the track. Communication was great and very happy with the end result."
"What impressed me most with GEKKO, aside from his ability to create amazing production and beats (really really good), was his responsiveness and ability to communicate. He is thorough in his messages and is open t..."
"Nathalie is such a force of nature with her amazing voice. I really think in my opinion she's one of soundbetter's finest female singer on this platform. she will bring your song into life with her impeccable voice. S..."
"Yaevin is a deeply talented singer and ideal project partner. She recorded an extraordinary singing for my very challenging song because she immersed herself into the lyrics, something that 3 other professional si..."
"Aaron can literally sing anything!! He is extremely versatile, and is an excellent singer. I will be hoping to hire him again and again. A great find!!!!!!!"
"Chris went above and beyond with producing my very first song. Being new to the whole process, Chris had no issues with explaining what was needed and how to complete it. Chris was very professional and instantly kne..."
"Again, top-notch results in line with--and exceeding--my vision, clear communication, and some valuable feedback on production / mixing in general. Will come back."
"Working with Jules is truly a wonderful experience. He's an excellent mixing and mastering engineer, but moreover, exceptionally responsive to suggestion. When approached with feedback, Jules translates desires taste..."
"I hired Blue Wave Records to make me a drum arrangement. Javier is a great engineer and drummer! Thank you very much for your patience and expertise! I had a great experience with this studio! I definitely recommend t..."
"Jeff did an amazing job on my song! It definitely sounds pro! He was very understanding and accurate with the revisions I wanted and he got it all done in a timely manner. I’ll definitely be a return customer! "
"Helpful and professional, 11/10 for these guys"
"Working with Flavio on my latest song has been an absolute pleasure. This is the second time I've had the opportunity to collaborate with him, and once again, he exceeded all expectations. His attention to detail, cre..."