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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lou Reed
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Hi, I'm JP engineer at Crosby Collective Studios and producer for _abridge.
My name is Oliver also known as Steal Bass, Hip Hop / Afro beamaker and music producer from Johannesburg, South Africa
Hey, I'm Simone Köhler! 22 years old and from Denmark. I'm currently studying music and acting on a Danish school. I'm singing and writing songs.
Beat Maker / Producer
Dedicated Producer from Germany. Mixing/Mastering/Instrumental Production - Hit me with your requests! I'll do my best to fulfill your wishes. :)
Payment : Rekening & Paypal
Je suis technicien audio depuis plusieurs années et m'oriente désormais vers la musique synchronisée à l'image et le sound design. Deux recompositions et réorchestrations de bandes sonores pour une scène de Mission Impossible et Game of Thrones sont mes réalisations les plus récentes.
Skilled as a Producer, Mixing & Mastering Engineer.
Recent Successes
"Benny is a highly qualified professional, has excellent technical expertise and experience in music industry. His mixing and mastering is of top quality, especially in vocal tracks. In addition, he responds quickly an..."
"Wow - another great job on a much different type of song !! This really shows Daramola's versatility and how well he can grab the vibe and make it special and commercially accessible - definitely going to do more !!"
"I have been using Dexy's mastering skills in 3-4 years now. And, I'm still using him to mastering all my work. I'm so pleased to work with him. A good and proffesional conversation in every step of the work!"
"Yoed is a magician! "
"The vocals were amazing, there was always great attention from Dax and quality work. We had great communication and he gave me a lot and very good material to occupy it in my song."
"Great job. Mastering was ready the same day. I am really stisfied and definetly will use Mario again. Great communication."
"Great job on the mix"
"Lovely vocals, thanks."