Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Los Mirlos
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Let's make a record! I'm an involved and invested recording engineer who wants to help you shape a unique sonic signature for your music.
tecnico de sonido y productor musical.
AMAZING UNKNOWN ARTIST Great pulse very high potential to see longevity.
Standardized, cost-effective, & class-leading music services from a studio chain with 11+ years of experience in the industry.
Hi, I'm Marco! From releases with major record labels to helping bring exciting projects to life, I’d love to be involved in your project, So get in touch and let’s get started!
Session flute player with 15 years professional experience. I have played for television (Fuji TV, NHK, NTV), film and documentary, and numerous recordings in many different genres.
I have been mastering the skills of music production for the past 3 years in fl studio, ableton live, and pro tools, therefore I am capable of doing anything music related, as long as it does not include vocals
Hi! My name is Ric Waves and I'm a 26y/o spanish producer that compose, arrange, record, mix & master. I made in my path a bunch of genres like Trap, EDM, DnB, Dubstep, Uk garage, House... and Urban music too like Drill, Reggaeton, Funk, Pop or Dembow. I like to have full comunication with my customers to ensure that his/her idea come alive!
Recent Successes
"Again and again Stephen delivers brilliance! Repeat client and friend, and couldn't recommend him more highly. Thanks for everything!"
"Rob did an amazing job mastering my track! This is my second time working with him, and he's super easy to work with. Very professional and skilled!!!"
"HQ did a fantastic job with my track! He was very easy to communicate with and responded promptly to my suggestions. He offered different options and was willing to go the extra mile to achieve the best results. If yo..."
"Michael was the best to work with. He was very speedy working with the material and also only delivered top quality stuff. I'm so incredibly happy with the product and I'll definitely be back to work with him some more."
"Brilliant Mix as always.... Brent did a perfect job, he's very easy to communicate with and Knows how to make an awesome mix.... highly recommended!"
"Daryl is the absolute goat of mix and mastering. No ego at all. He will patiently and respectfully always deliver the best of best projects. This is my 8th time working with him and he continues to excel at his abilit..."
"I recently had the pleasure of working with Hani and I must say, I was thoroughly impressed! His voice carries the rich, melodious qualities that are a hallmark of great Arabian music, and his range and control are tr..."
"Coen recorded four different takes of a solo part, each with a slightly different approach. The recordings sound warm and inviting, with a smooth top end and a pleasing, airy tone at low dynamics. The recordings will ..."