Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with loft blue
A gal with soul, specializing in R&B, Funk, Soul, Pop, House, Hip-Hop and Gospel. I have done work for PeterCottontale, Ingrid Michelson and DAVIE & Channel Tres Jessy Wilson, Tori Kelly, Hillary Scott, Kirk Franklin, Maren Morris, Chris Stapleton and Mavis Staples.
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NRG Recording Services, Inc. is a world class recording facility featuring 2 full tracking rooms and one Mix/Vocal room. The unique style and amazing clientele at NRG have unsurpassed notoriety in the studio business. Clients such as Linkin Park, Bush and John Fogerty have camped out in the comfort of each of our rooms for months at a time.
Mixing Engineer
An artist hungry for work with an open heart and years of experience.
Award-winning Game Composer and Music Producer • Master's Degree at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm
A quick learner, logical, analytical, fact based, critical, and realistic thinking with essential skills in audio field. Starting from composing (piano and/or drums), continue with tracking, mixing, mastering and finishing with sound design, I am happy to help with your project. While investing my soul and skills together we can reach great results
I will sing in the style ed Sheeran or JB.
Very versatile mixes of genres such as rock, indie, rap, trap, etc.
Inexpensive, high-quality mixes. 7+ years of experience in the field of mixing and mastering music.
Recent Successes
"Talent, Professioalism, Accuracy. My song sounded exactly how I had it in mind. Her voice fitted perfectly. I can't wait for our next work"
"Austin is fast and very communicative! we worked on the track until everything was like I wanted it to be! dope work!"
"Fast, efficient, friendly, and really good at his job!"
"Wow I cannot express how grateful I am to have J-Marin produce this pop record for an artist that I manage. J-Marin not only had a extremely quick turnaround, but delivered a quality product at a high industry level...."
"Another clean, beautiful track with Varun who did various revisions until we got it just how I imagined, so grateful once again! "
"Glieze is a top guy, one of the best mixing & mastering engineers around without a doubt. My guy Glieze's turnaround times are supersonic 🔥🔥🔥 Most importantly the results are AMAZING! has the capability to take feedba..."
"Fantastic! Can't wait to work with Stephan again!"
"Second collaboration with Holly ! And I'm always very pleased with her high quality work and fast delivery. I really recommend Holly for your projects, she's a great singer !"
"Very satisfied with his work and his service"