Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with LMN
Looking for vocals that are emotive and engaging? Or a topline that is catchy and distinctive?
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Studied sound engineering in México and Spain. Been working as a freelance since 2003 for several studios in México, Spain and USA, including: Robert Lang Studios (Seattle, USA), Floating Point Studio (Guadalajara, MX), Estudios Montecristo (México DF), Equis Cosa (México DF), Kay´Nah (México DF), Fonomex (México DF), Eurosonic (Madrid, Spain), etc
Hi! I am a sound engineer. I mix music from different styles like Rap, Pop, Celtic music, etc. Also i have experience in feature films and short films. I work as a freelance for several years. On my website you can see my reviews and listen to my entire portfolio! I hope be helpful to you and we can work together!
Hello! My name is Abi Foster, I'm a 23 year old female based in the UK. I've been gigging professionally for 5 years - singing and playing guitar. I have good quality recording equipment and can record quality top line vocals for your tracks, your lyrics and melody or can create unique lyrics and melodies for your project.
I can record violin and viola and voice with excellent Neumann mics for you. I´ve recorded strings e.g. for Universal Music and Netflix and I also do string arrangements from the scratch. I´ve been playing since I am 3 years old and educated myself for almost three decades in music.
Hi I'm ALASQ,The intimate music creation room, where personality matters! With uninhibited curiosity, I hunt for and generate the desired and indispensable emotions. The right sounds, beats, and intriguing compositions. Time and again, this journey of discovery and execution is the reason why I open my doors every day! remotely or physically!
I'm an alien who have worked with Fanfare Ciocărlia, Sara Parkman, Syters Sol and Gåte. Multiinstrumentalist, livesound engneer, producer and professionally trained mastering engineer by Mastering.com. I've played drums since I was ten and recorded and produced music since I was 16. Today I teach drums, music production and I master music.
Transforming sounds into symphonies, one note at a time. Let's make your music unforgettable. I am a versatile music producer, composer, sound designer & mixing & mastering engineer having worked on albums, UK radio channels, youtube videos, short films, corporate brands, playlisted on spotify and featured on various ambient channels.
I can record a clean DI bass either with a click or with the live track which you will need to send over. Happy to book one revision session after the initial recording has been delivered so please be specific with your amendments, if any.
Recent Successes
"She was really fun to work with, and very easy to communicate to as well. Also did an incredible job on the project. Will definitely look to work with her again in the near future."
"Dope engineer!!!...the mix was perfect on the FIRST time. I do recommend and will use again. Believe the hype, this guy is the truth."
"We love how our song turned out!! Frank is extremely talented, responsive and all around a pleasure to work with. I'm looking forward to the next one already!"
"OUTSTANDING! Really truly. I absolutely love Rochelle's voice. She delivered superb vocal tracks, gave me options and did it quickly. Everything is perfect and she has massively enhanced my song. HIGHLY RECOMMEND !"
"Thomas K went above and beyond on my song. His production perfectly captured the vibe and feel of the song and made it sound amazing. He really knows how to make the vocals sound so good and sit perfectly in the prod..."
"Will is a fantastic lyricist, storyteller and collaborator. I highly recommend him to anyone looking to enhance the lyrics and story of their work. Will really takes his time to understand your vision, and has a deep ..."
"Mariline is a genius musician & an amazing producer! Can’t wait to make more tracks! Such a pleasure working with him. :) "
"It's always a pleasure working with Ankha her work is superb, always takes her time working with my tracks and makes adjustments when needed. Can't wait until the next rocker to work on!"