Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Llamandome
-Llamandome -PAMARTE
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Ingrid's Only is active in the multifaceted field of audio. Here is our passion and we specialize in providing music and audio productions.
Mixing engineer from Finland, owner of Sound-IT Media company.
I play my guitar for keeps, write from experience, & I cant wait to work with you on your next Project! I like to Jam with my Fender Baritone Strat; Playing on a Baritone makes you think about the Guitar different. I've spent a lot of time finding my Style working on my "Vindicator" Album;
Ambient/ Downtempo Music Producer
Billboard #1 Latin Producer based in Los Angeles, CA. Worked with artists like Ivan Cornejo, Peso Pluma, Becky G, Gunna and many more. Specialize in production and bringing the artists vision to life.
Ill mix your unfinished projects to be prepared for mastring!
-Llamandome -PAMARTE
Over 10 years of experience on Producing/Mixing/Mastering/Editing/Composing for lots of artists in my Country including myself, I'm ready to give you my tips on your song, mix it, master it, compose, give ideas and take your idea to the next level.
Recent Successes
"Anna is high levelled professional singer tat extremely nice to deal with! Thank you anna for your great job and your great voice!"
"David is super talented AND fast :)"
"Chris has such incredible range to his vocals and puts a tremendous effort and energy into every thing he does"
"It's a pleasure working with Alina. She's truly professional. She is timely, follows instructions and shows a good undrestanding of the song. And above all she has a great voice. A big recommend!"
"Austin is an excellent producer & mixer. What I appreciate much as well is the easy communication & the fast revisions. He understands what you are pointing out and doing something about it right away. If you want an ..."
"It was very hard to work with Ryan because of the Covid and my indecision, but Ryan always kept it very professional and we have finally finished a beautiful work! He has a beautiful voice!"
"Sarah did an amazing job. Her vocals were incredible and brought my song to life. Highly recommended."
"Austin is very good at mixing songs. I'm very happy. Every detail is heard clearly. Low End like a world champion. I will definitely use it again! thanks"
"Jessie delivers an amazing vocal performance and her adlibs really bring a track to life. Excellent quality recording. "