Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lissom
Alexandr Vatagin is a mastering engineer based in Vienna, Austria.
Versatile multi-genre violinist and string arranger. Internationally toured and tested.
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Hello everyone, my name is Gushen Recordi
Professional mixing and mastering engineer from London, UK specialising in Hip Hop & R&B.
I'm a Top 10 charting Songwriter for a few K-Pop / Jpop and Asian acts including NCT, SixStones, Super Junior, EXO - CBX, Eric Nam, LAY, GOT7, Sky - Hi, Shinhwa, and many more. My records have charted top 10 in over 40 Countries. I specialize in taking your songs to the next level, Giving the Topline a creative and artistic feeling in the end.
Hello! My name is Kip and I am a session drummer and I want to bring your songs to life!
best sheets
Hey! Im Syd! I can sing, rap, or just be part of a chorus.
Diamond in the dirt
Recent Successes
"I've been looking for a player like Marco for a long time - a keys/synth player that knows how to play with guitar music and elevate it. Song #2 with Marco was just as awesome as #1, so here's to #3!"
"Mike nailed it, once again!! I was stuck on a song and really needed help on arrangements, mixing and mastering. Mike did a wonderful job. He's been very reactive, addressing all the notes I gave him right away and be..."
"Don takes a different approach to most other producers, in that he involves the customer in the process to a much greater degree, rather than just giving a 'take it or leave it' mix. Top marks!"
"Working with Chris has been a pleasant time as usual. So far he has worked on 3 songs of mine and he has shown dedication and patience. If you have not done a project with him yet then you have not discovered a great ..."
"My go to for mixing and mastering. Always deliver top quality production and very professional."
"Check it!!! Kevin sprinkled his magic on the final female vox mix. Album is officially complete. Couldn't have done it without him. A true master at his craft. Total PRO. Drops January 2022. "
"Delivers really good and emotional vocals and lyrics, really recommended!"
"This is a dream come true! I am so grateful for finding Fred and everything he put into my project. Words can't describe my satisfaction. I have seldom worked with someone so professional and considerate and without..."