Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kartago
Hi, I am a composer of various styles with a specialty in Filmscoring. Focused on creating good melodies, lyrics and rhythm according to the image
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Let's make you sound your best! I'm passionate about bringing your music to life! 20 years of experience. Fast turnaround.
Professional dance music producer
Over 50 million streams on Spotify. Major Label cuts (Atlantic) Music supported by the BBC (BBC Radio1 & Radio2) on TV (channel 4/ Love Island) Music that has been viral on TikTok, I have produced music for L.O.L Dollz (Netflix).
Experienced music professional with a background in AAA game audio & library/production music.
I'm a talented writer with a lot of fluidity when it comes to writing for any genre. No task is too difficult, nor project to complex for me too successfully complete.
you want your mixes to sound good, write me!
Recent Successes
"Working with you Mariami was great, I can't wait work with you again, thank you so much! :)"
"Very professional artist "
"Grazie Stefano. Was a pleasure working with you! Appreciate your vision and talent. You made some great contributions and interesting variations on my project."
"I don't know what to say. It took ages to find the right person for my special Christmas song, and I was starting to get all stressed out about it, but then I foun Darren..A DREAM COME TRUE! His tone, his harmonies, h..."
"Professional, quick, and high quality service every time."
"Bringing my shabby ideas and cobbled together demos to this guy and he makes me sound like the radio, jealous of his zest and skill"
"Camilo always delivers man, and always fast with the reply to the comments and tweaks, love it! And will never change!"
"The best singer!"