Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lindsay Lou
FOH for Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder and TM for Dan Tyminski, Co-owner of Forty-one Fifteen, Member of the Recording Academy
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Hip hop and rnb production
I'm a professional songwriter/artist published to BDI Ltd. having refined my craft for over a decade I have managed to build a catalogue of work and experience with various songwriters and producers such as, Peter Katis (Grammy award winning producer), Novo Amor, Courtney Marie Andrews , Ed Tullett, Jack Watts & The Wild State.
Quality service and affordable rates for artists of every level!
Steven is a seasoned recording and audio engineer known for bringing positive vibes to every session. He has a strong focus on high quality audio and respect for the artist's vision. Steven also has the ability to work quickly, and is the go-to guy for many who desire a fast turnaround time.
Contact Me Now
la-iko studio is a professional studio specializing in mixing and mastering electronic and urban music. it is still composed of latest generation analog and digital equipment to bring you the best sound
Hi! I'm Luica, a passionate songwriter and producer specializing in pop, reggaeton, afrobeat, and latin music dedicated to creating records that emotionally connect and and stand the test of time.
Singer - Songwriter
Recent Successes
"Michael is one of the most talented musicians I know, down to the level of just spectacular professionalism, timeliness and efficiency. Everything about him is absolute A+ quality. "
"Being my second session with Ben, I have learned more about his attention to detail and versatility. His native accent is probably a hidden treasure that I was fortunate to bring it to the surface. If Ben's voice is t..."
"Another great vocal performance by Thomas who does the best reference composite vocals ever..super harmonies, doubles, trebles etc..great layering to bring out the best in the track....Terrific talent..joy to listen to"
"Mariami is very easy to work with, has a great voice, and was professional all the way to the finish line. I'd highly recommend her services."
"The god delivered as usual!"
"Amazing experience"
"Tyree is amazing honestly. He has great ability - very creative mixes - very clean mixes - he is just a tremendous talent honestly I'm grateful for the whole experience I've had with him as a first time client I was s..."
"Kenny was a joy to work with - second time around working with his awesome vocals!! He's always great with his comms and eager to get everything sounding right on point. Totally amazing to have the privelage of workin..."
"Riley was very professional and communicative, and most importantly very responsive to suggestions on revisions. Thanks for the master, Riley!"