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Lindsay Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Compelling poetic lyrics that play with language. Do you want catchphrases or "ooh babys"? That's not me.
Praised by deadmau5 and his manager for my "impressive" playing skills, I'm a classically-trained pianist/keyboardist, composer, and mixing/mastering engineer who specializes in Electronic Music, but has experience writing, producing, and performing in all genres.
I've been producing music for four years, and have released several EP's, and singles on platforms such as itunes, spotify, and soundcloud. I've written songs with many artists and work in multiple genres, such as folk, hip hop, ambience, classical, and rock.
"I've been blessed to work with the very best engineers from New York to Europe to LA,: Rudy Van Gelder, Phil Ramone, Bruce Swedien, Al Schmidt, Francis Buckley..." From Quincy Jones' book "Q on Producing." Nuff said!
Vocally trained for 10 years, versatile voice (mostly pop but can sing all genres), home studio ready to go. Featured on The Voice, La Voz Mexico (Sing in Spanish), and have worked as a session/demo singer for over 75 clients. (NYC, LA, TX) Here to make your song come to life with whatever you need!
I have been a music producer and engineer for 12 years now presently. I’ve worked with a client list that I managed to build up over the years that have been loyal to me because I’m trust worthy and dependable. I have written songs for my clients made cartoon animations for them and overal been a one stop shop for them to create anything they need
My goal is to make your song sound the best it possibly can and offer label quality results at an indie friendly rate.
Do you need a Sax solo? 4 part horn section for a chorus? A bass line? Let me help you complete your vision!
Recent Successes
"The guitars are great, perfect RJ. It's exactly what I thought you would do but more and even better. The parts are superb. Everything RJ does is top notch. He lives and breathes music.He can shred with the best bu..."
"If you're looking for that wow factor to take your track from ordinary to extraordinary, Ziv is the guy who will make it happen! It is always a pleasure and professional experience working with Ziv, but lately it gets..."
"Austin did a great job on mix engineering our track for release. Very professional service, and great response to feedback. I've just hired him again!"
"Fili is super talented and delivered top level work. He will get you that commercial, radio ready sound for sure. It was a pleasure working with him with his quick communication, attention to detail and positivity. He..."
"AMAZING !! As usual !"
"Once again, high quality delivery as well as taking the time to exactly integrate my feedback ideas. It's great and easy working with Aaron!"
"Martin brought my song to life in ways I didn't think possible with his mixing, some of the clearest and most dynamic I've ever heard! "