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Linden Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Hi everybody. I'm a versatile professional based in Hamburg, Germany. In the last 10 years I mostly played bass on sessions and live in the most diverse genres. I have a degree in jazz upright but mostly play electric these days. Recently I've started producing and mixing my own projects. Doing that I have a big network of incredible musicians.
I am a born again spirit filled, baptized in Jesus' name song writer. Through the Lord Jesus I have written probably hundreds of songs.
I have an album called "Saye" on digital platforms. Listen to it and check if you like my voice. I believe I can sing every kind of music!
I'm a music producer from Monterrey Mexico. I've been doing this for more than 8 years now, within this time I've been able to work with songwriters, producers and singers.
Be Excellent to Each Other! I love making mixes sound massive a la the 80s! I love 80s production but also that super modern sound. I was booked to sing and play guitar the one and only Robert Downey Jnr's (AKA IRON MAN) 53rd birthday party!
Urban producer certified by Ableton and Spanish songwriter with more that 10 years of experience.
Thank you to all my haters, you all are my biggest fans!
Recent Successes
"Alex was extremely professional, courteous, and helpful! His work was top notch - from finding the right talent, to offering different ways to go about the project, and finally to delivering a grade A product in a t..."
"Emma makes the vocals sound naturally in tune and rather scrumptious overall. Will be working with Emma again."
"I have done several projects with Etienne already and I just say it as it is: meanwhile it is difficult to find a new review wording for the always excellent work! Please compare to my previous reviews. All of the sai..."
"Good price, quality of work and turnaround time thanks Austin. "
"Caslo, did above and beyond what I asked. He made great beats and was prompt. Nice work!"
"Klaas is both fast and efficient. His instructions are very clear. I highly recommend him! "
"Literally the best. Great player, parts, and person."
"Alex is super great at editing and making things transparent and musical. Great professionalism as well. All around highly recommend!"