Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lina Teir
Passionate about mixing acoustically recorded and alternative music. I bring a warm, organic touch to your sound. Whether you're creating indie vibes, intimate acoustic tracks, or exploring pop and rock, I’ll help your music shine while staying true to its soul.
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For the better part of a decade i've practiced and studied audio engineering. In 2014 I gained a higher education certificate for Music Production - now my main focus is to mix. I aim to get every project as musical, modern and 'cutting edge' as possible, but more importantly it has to satisfy the artist and their listeners.
I'm an electronic producer specialized in Ableton Live performance and production. I've been producing artists and teaching music production and composition for about 4 years. I feel I know Live inside out and I've used it on very different settings, from mixing music to finger-drumming as a sessionist and performing live dance music.
Compassionate about Maximum Sonic Beauty
Skilled producers/multi-instrumentalists with great gear and greater vibes. We specialize in working with singers looking for that classic sound! Whether you need to get a song out of your head and are starting from scratch, or are just missing a specific instrument or sound. We can help you write, produce, and mix it to the highest quality!
I am Producer/Mixing Engineer
Lets write you a hit!!! I'm here to bring out the best in you and the music you wish to offer the world. If you don't know the sound your looking for, I will help you find it. My goal is to make music that the world has yet to hear, so allow me to write you a song that will help you establish your own lane and be seen as a respected artist.
I write lyrics and topline melody. I am looking to collaborate with talented vocalists, bands and producers. I have an undeniable knack for catchy lyrics and topline and several years experience. Primarily seeking an ongoing relationship with up and coming or established artists. I love working in all genres of music.
melody creator
Recent Successes
"Good and fantastic work like usual. 5 Stars for Karen. Professional."
"Franky Music has done it again for me. He's just a true talent in the music production industry. He's able to pick up difficult rough sounds and turn it into something extraordinary. I keep coming back to Franky becau..."
"There is not enough words to say how incredibly talented and professional John is. He was amazing at delivering emotional lyrics and vocals. He truly helped make my record hit another level! I definitely hope to work ..."
"As great and uncomplicated as always. Dennis simply knows how to tingle details out of ones Mixdown."
"Mixing and mastering with Travis was a great experience. He is very open and an easy-going professional. His editing skills really helped me realize the sound I wanted for a series of short podcasts with background ..."
"You never know until you try. I’m glad I gave my song to you Josh. Now I believe that you worked with Sam Smith and all of those people. Your mixing, smoothness is mind blowing."
"Jay Roddy is an absolute star I recommend him for anyone who is looking for someone professional and talented ."