Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with lil man j
Mixing engineer and a recording engineer I give you the sound you need for your music to sound right…
Industry quality mix and mastering engineer
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hi we are chennai s-team studios doing audio studio/Live services we do mixing,mastering,live recording,5.1 mixing,
From first idea to final product. Whatever music you have in mind, I will help you to bring it to life.
I have worked with major recording artists such as P Diddy, Young Thug, Machine Gun Kelly, Charlie XCX, Fetty Wap, and many more. Here at Third Eye Audio we take the utmost pride and tedious care working with our clients to insure that the vision they have for their project comes to life.
We can do Music. That's it. We can go from remote recording a guitar track to mastering an album.
30x Grammy winning mixer producer Bassy Bob has worked with some of the most successful artists on the planet including: Prince, Biggie, Fugees, TOC, Babyface, Usher, MaryJ Blige, Toni Braxton, Bob Dylan and Herbie Hancock. Bassy is also founder of MUSOS.us a New Orleans based Boutique synch agency with a focus on artist development.
Committed to changing the way the industry views women engineers/producers, Kota brings a fresh, positive and empowering energy to the table, which many would say is lacking in the music business currently.
Music Producer and Session Guitarrist (specialize in nylon strings). Sound Engineer: Rec, Mix and Matering
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Recent Successes
"Keller delivers high quality instrumental tracks and works fast. He is able to produce original arrangements and at the same time demonstrate technical proficiency. A job well done!"
"This humble very talented gentleman is someone I will be grateful to all of my days. Together, we produced 44 tracks of tunes I’ve written over the years. Josh brought great musicians to add cello, violin, flute, pi..."
"She's incredibly punctual which matters more than you think. Beautiful voice, great quality recordings; the full package. Also, her songwriting is on point; I left the lyrics to her and she hit it out of the park. "
"Wow, so much to say about Chance. First of all he drove for hours in the rain to help me with my recording setup, showed me the basic functions of my daw and got me rolling with my recordings! He explains things in su..."
"Chris is a total pro - great work, great communication - an easy five-star review!"
"Mr. HO was awesome! I highly recommend him to any vocalist looking to edit his/her vocals to work seamlessly with a mix. :) "
"Great, working with Sarah. She is very talented and professional. I hope she will have the time to help me with my other songs. She did my choruses so well and my song sounds better. I will recommend her to the world."
"Another great job, Austin really captured the heart of this song and brought the story of it through sonic choices. I'll be doing more songs with him in the future!"