Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Liafol
I love to create productions around a simple vocal/guitar or piano sketch. To build out and flesh a mood to bring the song to life. I'm a big fan of Max Martin's productions and I want to be a go to producer for artists looking to push their music forward while maintaining that pop sensibility.
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I work on all genres of music, but primarily do hip hop. I am an old school producer who has been producing since the early nineties. I have a strong knack for song writing and can handle every step of the song making process. Hit me up @nico.getnmoney@gmail.com https://nicowade.bandcamp.com/album/strictly-4-my-l-a-d-y-z
Mixing & Mastering | 15+ Years | Worked with Armada, Universal, Protocol, Nicky Romero, Revealed, Spectrum, SONO
I am a finance blogger.
Fascinated by the indie sounds at all.
I produce tracks for your topline to be written over. I mainly produce reggaeton and different kinds of house. Always interested in a collaboration to pitch. This is a co-production: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTF3VDVtdkE
Icon Collective College Of Music Los Angeles, CA Graduate. Artist project Midnight Mafia 2500 monthly listeners (SoundCloud, Apple Music, Spotify). DJ direct support for Matroda in Nashville, Tennessee.
I WILL MIX AND MASTER SONGS AND VOCALS AS PRO AUDIO MIXING ENGINEER FOR $75 Welcome to the next level of music production! I'm Juany Guzman, a seasoned Mixing and Mastering Engineer with over 15 years in the industry. My mission is to breathe life into your tracks, ensuring they resonate with emotion, balance, and pristine sound.
Unlock the Full Potential of Your Project
Recent Successes
"Joe was an absolute pleasure and privilege to work with. I would have no hesitations in recommending Joe to anyone looking for a bass player. He was able to match the exact feel that I was looking for in my project an..."
"The master of my track sounds spectacular. Sherman himself is prompt, efficient, and wonderful. Thank you!"
"Kirsten is so great and an amazing person to work with! I am completely happy with the result! I couldn't ask for anything better!! Hope to work with her again in the future!"
"John went above and beyond to make sure I was happy. I honestly don't think I've ever completed a song in only 3 revisions, so props to John for nailing my vision. Great to work with. Super cool guy. But above all, ki..."
"Great advice and feedback. Very helpful, highly recommended! "
"Isamu is obviously an incredibly talented and versatile musician, but also a great communicator with impeccable organisational skills. He immediately caught the vibe for the piano that I was looking for and created be..."
"Ziv shoots and he F’N SCORES!! Amazing lead on a KIIIIILLER track we wrote, so awesome!!! "
"Christian went above and beyond to deliver what I needed for my project. Christian is a very talented pianist and musician and a pleasure to work with. Highly recommended to anyone."
"Absolutely incredible ear for melodies and arrangements for piano this time, although it's always amazing whatever instrument or vocals. And the tone and mixing is so good!!!!!!! You will be happy you worked with Ma..."